Big Bribe Business of Big Bribed Government is consolidating the theft of beaches which belong by right to the Maltese nation

“Frustrated St Paul’s Bay residents are set to protest this Sunday against the ongoing privatisation of public beaches, with Bugibba’s Perched Beach at the centre of the controversy.” I support their plea.

I will not go into ADPD and Moviment Graffiti statements. I have my reservations about these two. The latter is also supporting the LGBTQA+-P agenda and migration. Please read here.

A protest will be held next Sunday in Valletta. Spiċċajna nipprotestaw biex nieħdu lura l-art li hi tagħna bi dritt!

They started slowly slowly with a few villas, then some apartments, then monstrous blocks, then skyscrapers, then the valleys [Privat, tidħolx, say many signs] then the pavements, and now the beaches. They are raping the land which belongs to the public by right.

The DB Group, of the same DB San Antonio Resort Hotel & Spa in Buġibba which is infested with migrants for employees and with the digital lifts which ask you to identify yourself to use them, has taken over a substantial part of a beach in St. Paul’s Bay with their structures.

Who gave this yet another ruthless Big Business the power and permission to do so? What bribes are politicians receiving in return?

The majority of the public space that the nation has been given at birth was stolen. Whatever is left, is being taken away in pure daylight!

Qażżiżtuna u dardartuna! Sraqtulna kollox u ma baqgħalniex fejn immorru biex tistrieħ wara ġimgħa xogħol – xi mkien fejn iserraħ il-moħħ u r-ruħ minn forsi xi ħsibijiet, xi nkwiet, fejn trid toqgħod għall-kwiet! Jew forsi broke jew għandek proġett u trid tfaddal u ma tridx toħroġ u tonfoq!

But the end justifies the means – said the ruthless king without crown who sits on a throne of stones and bones in Burmarrad.

But they are on a rush, addicted to the crush.

Bilanċ ta’ xejn! Żbilanċ totali! U n-nies isofru. In-nies ibatu. In-nies ma jistgħux isibu ftit paċi.

You turned Malta into one commercial hub in which going out has become equivalent to being seated and pay [cinema, restaurants, cafeterias, kiosks] or twerking in a club to the music’s hypnosis submerging in an alcoholic lung in Paceville. U mela! Ħalli żgur nibqgħu ndawru r-rota li xorta qed iżżaqżaq u daqt tieqaf! Fie on you, you reverants of the money deity!

But the end justifies the means – said the ruthless king without crown who sits on a throne of stones and bones in Burmarrad.

But they are on a rush, addicted to the crush.

Bilanċ ta’ xejn! Żbilanċ totali! U n-nies isofru. In-nies ibatu. In-nies ma jistgħux isibu ftit paċi.

Those whose soul is being ravished by this, were led to a solitary confinement.

You suffocated us. You destroyed us. You killed us alive. Woe onto you! You are rotten from the inside.

I swear, that if I meet you, I will bury you with my own hands and with you, the love of money which you are gorging at the expense of the Maltese nation’s emotional, mental and physical wellbeing. Money is not evil. It’s the love of money which is the root of all evil.

“Fil-vilel imferrxin fuq żaqq l-għelieqi nara ġrieħi r-Redentur sidru/spulpjat. Naġġara bil-lexxun sawru l-kuruna/kaħħala sammru msiemer/ fil-ħamrija flok is-siġar li xettluna.

Faċli tibqa’ ħalqek sieket tħares biss: ‘mma min jgħożż lil art twelidu/għandu dmir li jgħolli leħnu quddiem Alla li biss Sidu.

It-trombi ta’ Ġeriku jidħlu jżarżru f’nofs il-kant tal-innu-talba/tan-nazzjon, waqt li n-nawsja mal-kustilji tifrex dlielha dielja niexfa,/moħħna tinfed bħal berrina sa therrina.

Jekk jista’ jkun, Missier, tħallix dal-kalċi jgħaddi mingħalina/(madankollu naf, li jridu huma jsir mhux li rrid jiena).” – Tradiment, poeproża ta’ Victor Fenech

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