Becoming One in the Body for an Energy Exchange and Soul Enhancement

Have you ever had a colleague, or a family member, or a friend, who just drains you after a few minutes or after spending a few hours with him or her? Without going into vampire personalities, this is because we are energy beings.

So does sex carry energy and sexual energy is more than just being horny and reaching the big O.

Po-Chang Hsu, MD explains that we are energetic bodies and during sexual intercourse, the energy of each partner mixes, making every sex act an exchange of energy because every sexual act raises or lowers your energy level.

“Therefore, a sexual relationship isn’t a purely psychological or physiological, mechanical act,” says Hsu. ”Rather, it’s an energetic action. When we have an intimate relationship with someone, the two energies merge.

But there is much more than this that happens when a man’s body and a woman’s body become one.

A man leaves a portion of his DNA in a woman’s birth canal every time he engages in sexual activity with her and releases his life force energy into her. His vitality will stay inside her if she doesn’t take care of herself. The person may frequently develop an illusionary sexual addiction as a result of that imprint.

When someone decides to have multiple partners, or choose to be in multiple relationships can occasionally cause conflicting emotional signals to be sent to the body’s internal vibration system. Women need to be cautious about their internal temples becoming contaminated by various spiritual influences or energies. You are a sacred portal through which life is meant to flow; honor yourself and make good use of your abilities!

Have you ever wondered why it is called sexual intercourse? INTER-Course? Because it is an INTER(nal) course that unites man and woman, mind with mind, spirit with spirit, or energy with energy. This is something that even a condom can’t protect you against because energy is behind the elements of all flesh.

Hence why that the terms ‘casual sex’ and ‘friends with benefits’ are not only misleading, but there are no such things as ‘casual sex’ and ‘friends with benefits.’

The energy between two persons are closely entwined during intimate activity. A strong energy exchange occurs during sex between the parties involved. Because they are difficult to remove or purify, these connections, impressions, and debris are left on the mind, soul, and spirit for a very long period.

If the energies and spirits of several persons are not cut off and cleansed, engaging in “casual sex” with multiple partners can absorb their energies and spirits into your own aura. Every individual your partner has shared a bed with, as well as every partner those individuals have shared, become a part of you.

The subconscious of your partner may be affected by this kind of “soul clutter”. They can sense the subtle disruptions of many energies and/or familiar spirits that have entered, producing restlessness and inner unrest, even if they are not fully in tune or aware of the extracurricular sexual activities.

The stronger the bond’s interaction and reinforcement, and the more challenging it is for them to detangle and part ways, the longer and more intimate the touch with another person.

Long after the relationship has ended, the mind is still burdened with soul stains, smell transmission, perceptual linkages, and even mutually created habits.

And hence why we just cannot throw ourselves in bed with the first bloke or lassie we encounter, or because the body craves it, or just for the gist of it. We are a spirit in a body – a body which is just a vehicle of mere, temporary flesh. Patience, wisdom and a self-journey of healing, introspection and reflection through spirit will lead us to a bridge of a deep bond where we are met half way by that other, with whom exchanging energies and portions of DNA become a soul enhancement, rather than a clutter.

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