Archbishop Vigano questions the validity of the process that made Bergoglio, Pope Francis and mentions names (7)

So, I think that this series helps us put the pieces together to explain how we got to where we are.

Archbishop Vigano has also put the full interview in various languages, including English, on X. Vigano goes over a whole lot more than I did here.

Clearly, the corruption in the hierarchy is very embedded with figures in the church appearing to be willing to really frankly end anyone who tries to get in their way or expose their operations or negatively impact the bottom line. This has been a problem for decades.

Calling them the Saint Gallon group, because where do you usually hear associations with St Gallon? It might be a flag term but there’s a reason people use that actual proper terminology. It’s because of things like this.

Have you ever heard of Malachi Martin? He was “an Irish-born American traditionalist Catholic priest, biblical archaeologist, exorcist, palaeographer, professor, and writer on the Catholic Church. He was ordained as a Jesuit and from 1958, he served as secretary to Cardinal Augustin Bea during preparations for the Second Vatican Council.” Martin was also disillusioned by the council, so much so that he had asked to be released from certain aspects of his Jesuit vows in 1964 and moved to New York City.

I do suggest to you, dear readers, to read his bestselling 1987 non-fiction book, The Jesuits: The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church, in which he is highly critical of the Jesuit Order, accusing the Jesuits of systematically undermining church teachings. Another excellent book of his is “Vatican: A Novel.” (1986)

When you read those two books, you will begin to understand the history of the 1940s to the 1990s of this crisis in the church and you will understand all the issues that have preceded our current times, including those elements within the church which were willing to remove people from their mortal coil to protect their interest in the Vatican. The book ‘Vatican: A Novel’ talks of real events, dear readers. Another excellent book by the Jesuit priest Malachi is “Windswept House: A Vatican Novel” which details turmoil within the Catholic Church and corruption in Vatican City. In the latter, 99% are real events with real characters based on real figures who only had their names changed.

Definitely, Vigano doesn’t want to end up like Cardinal Sambi and Cardinal Pell. The Superforce in Rome almost seem undefeatable but they will lose, dear readers. All it will take, maybe, is one Pope who stops listening to this corrupt Superforce, does the consecration as instructed, names that one country, reveals the Third Secret of Fatima in a homily, and the consecration is done under mass while commanding every bishop in the world to do so with him on pain of ex-communication. It’s that simple, isn’t it? But the simplest things are often the hardest to do. And definitely, this won’t happen by Bergoglio, the false teacher and false prophet.

To conclude, dear readers, this series might as well take us to another series of this site, which dealt with the Alta Vendita. Pope Francis is the pope described in the Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita, a document which was found by the Stone Cutter groups and copies were handed to Pope Leo XIII, who used money from his own family fortune, to have it translated into several languages and published. This project that he had started was continued by Pope St. Pius X, also funding it out of his own family fortune and had copies distributed around the world. This document, I remind you, details the Stone Cutter program for the church which is to get a Pope who is not on paper a member of the organization – if that happened, they would have destroyed them – but who is instead virtually a member who agrees with them on everything. He becomes their champion and leads the church, that is, billions of Catholics, into being not formal members of that organization, but by them following his plan, their plans, by adopting their values.

It all stems from Vatican 2. The Paridi, or bishops’ advisors, served as the tools for this. These were persons who, quite possibly, could have been heretics, according to the holy offices monitoring list! Among the Paridis, many were. That’s the way it was. This is the mechanism at work. These were the same guys who had come before them to maintain total control over the Vatican for the Bergoglians.
Note that there are still honorable guys in the Vatican who inform reporters of events. Had they complete control over everything there, they wouldn’t be putting in such a lot of effort to ensure Francis has someone to succeed him. They wouldn’t be exerting as much effort to ensure that the College of Cardinals’ composition wasn’t entirely Bergoglian. If there were leaks coming out of the Vatican, they wouldn’t be trying to stop them so aggressively.

So, there are signs of hope, dear readers.

I feel that a restoration will come inside the Church. Do not despair.

For all those who lost the faith and their belief in Jesus Christ because of linking God with this corrupt, evil Vatican, I tell you to restore the faith in God. God has nothing to do with these minions of their Reptilian Master. Stop seeing religion and work on having a true encounter with Christ. It is not God who created these 42,000 religions. I tell you, God is not Catholic. Don’t ever associate Him with the Catholic Church, or any other Church!

God is not doing 42,000 different religions and denominations. God is not the Vatican City. Satan is. Because Satan is not anti-religion. He is anti-Christ and he has devised so many religions and so many versions of Christianity to blind people from the truth and to make them walk away from Christ.

So here is my plea to you: Work for a true encounter with Christ.

Agree with God. Move with God. End with God. Never doubt God.

Do you still believe the sun is there when it is not shining? I bet you do.

Do you still believe in love even when you are alone? I bet you do.

Likewise, believe in God even when He is silent.

Agree with God. Move with God. End with God. Never doubt God.

X (Formerly Twitter)