Archbishop Vigano questions the validity of the process that made Bergoglio, Pope Francis and mentions names (5)

We also heard the name of Cardinal Bertone, who served as the Cardinal Secretariat of State prior to Cardinal Pietro Parolin taking over the position a few years ago, in the lengthy quotation piece I provided with you in the fourth piece of this series.

Given that Bertone held the position of Chief Diplomat for the Vatican, it is quite certain that he had regular communication with Cardinal McCarrick. Recall that Pietro Parolin has stated frequently that the Vatican would be re-purposing the China deal, which McCarrick was the mastermind of.

Vigano battled with Parolin’s predecessor, Bertone, who Vigano claims also contributed to securing the conclusion of the 2013 conclave that produced Pope Francis.

So, I tackled Crux’s article because it has some important context for all of this and context is very important here. Going back to Il Messaggero, when Vigano is asked about this clash with Bertone, because he had battled Cardinal Bertone frequently – here’s Vigano’s response, which is pretty short:

“He [Bertone] did everything he could to remove me from the Secretariat of State”. [Remember, the Secretary of State is a chief diplomat. Papal Nuncios are Vatican diplomats. That’s where they are housed.] Vigano said, “In my very delicate role at the Annunciators I prevented him from promoting his candidates, often corrupt. He thus managed to transfer me to the government in 2009 where I discovered the role and complicity in covering up corruption. Benedict XVI convinced me to accept the nomination to the United States of being Papal Nuncio.”

He was a Nuncio, and after Bertone disapproved of him, they expelled him. Benedict then restored him to his position. Prior to serving as the United States’ Papal Nuncio, Vigano was looking into financial malfeasance within the Vatican. According to Vigano, Benedict XVI sent him to the United States for his personal safety. He has stated so in interviews on several occasions. In due course, Cardinal Pell would assume responsibility for carrying out the ongoing examination of financial malfeasance inside the Vatican Bank.

What did they both find? According to Vigano and Pell’s public statements, they had discovered millions, if not billions, of dollars that had been plundered, stashed away, or used for a variety of nefarious purposes. Vigano was punished for this by being expelled from Rome two years prior to his public letter in 2018 as a warning to keep quiet. After that, Pell was first badly received by the public. You may recall the huge mess Pell created in Australia, which didn’t work, but you may also recall the mysterious financial transaction. They’ve spent years looking into this, or a better word to use here, would be “investigating”. I use the word “investigating” here – investigating a financial transaction that no one can account for from the Vatican Bank to Australia that Cardinal Angelo Becciu, the Fallen Guy for the recent financial issues in the Vatican, tried to sweep away and say ‘Oh no, it was for routine matters.’ What did this statement of his means?

A reminder that this Becciu was a very powerful cardinal and a close advisor to Pope Francis. It was in 2023 when he was found guilty of fraud by the Vatican criminal court [the city-state’s civil justice system] in an unprecedented case and was sentenced to five and a half years in prison.

But Pell went to Australia, and then suddenly money went with him but not connected to him and then his life was destroyed. Was he murdered?

Pell was virtually restored when the Australian system finally performed as intended. He returned to Rome and carried on with his work there for a while, but you can probably imagine what occurred next. Was he murdered?

Then you know what happened next – Cardinal Sambi had the same faith. Isn’t it weird how this worked out?

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