Archbishop Vigano questions the validity of the process that made Bergoglio, Pope Francis and mentions names (4)

So, Crux’s headline “Sambi, a veteran papal diplomat, allegedly told Rome about McCarrick”. This was in 2018. This was the aftermath of Vigano’s letter.

The context is important because Vigano, in his 2018 letter, that changed the course of everything in the Church, named Sambi as his source of information about Ted McCarrick. Isn’t that a significant detail, given what we know what happened to Cardinal Sambi?

From the Crux article, I quote:

“Sambi emerges in Viganò’s letter as someone who took immediate action on information involving McCarrick’s misdeeds, following the proper procedures.”

“In his letter, Viganò said that both Sambi and his predecessor, Colombian Archbishop Gabriel Montalvo, ‘did not fail to inform the Holy See immediately, as soon as they learned of Archbishop McCarrick’s gravely immoral behavior with seminarians and priests.'”

“It was Sambi, Viganò said, who provided him with information about a letter sent to the embassy by Father Boniface Ramsey in 2000 detailing rumors about McCarrick’s misconduct with seminarians. It was the first recorded complaint against McCarrick sent to ranking Vatican officials.”

Notice the date, dear readers. It was 2000.

“According to Viganò, at one point Sambi also sent Italian Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, then the Vatican’s Secretariat of State, an “Indictment Memorandum” against McCarrick by Gregory Littleton, a former priest laicized for abusing minors, along with two documents in which Littleton recounted his own abuse by McCarrick and that of several other priests and seminarians.”

To all the Fatima people and all those who pay attention to Fatima, this name should be a giant red flag for you.

“In his letter, Viganò asserts that in Sambi’s correspondence with Bertone, Sambi noted how Littleton in 2006 had forwarded the memorandum to roughly 20 people, including civil and ecclesial judicial authorities, police and lawyers, and it would therefore likely be made public.”

“Sambi, Viganò said, ‘called for a prompt intervention by the Holy See.'”

“Viganò said that he also sent Sambi’s report, with all the attachments, to Bertone, and that Bertone did nothing.”

“When Benedict XVI allegedly imposed private sanctions on McCarrick, stipulating that he was to move out of the seminary where he had been living, that he was forbidden to say Mass in public or participate in public meetings, and that he was also barred from travelling or giving speeches and asked to dedicate himself to a life of ‘prayer and penance,’ it was Sambi who communicated the news to McCarrick, Viganò said.”

“Viganò also claims that Sambi informed McCarrick’s successor in Washington, Cardinal Donald Wuerl, of the accusations against McCarrick and the private sanctions put into place by Benedict XVI.”

Cardinal Bertone was one of those who was behind the release of the alleged Third Secret of Fatima in the 2000s. Are you connecting the dots? This is the same one that appears to be lacking a message, at the very least, part of the explanation for the vision. Moreover, some have stated that the vision they presented wasn’t the real one from the Third Secret of Fatima. Bertone was exposed as lacking credibility. Italian journalists who looked into the traditionalists’ allegations about Fatima claimed that they were completely off one’s rockets. However, after looking into the accusations in silence, it was discovered that the claims off one’s rockets. The main character in this tale is Bertone. Have you got the complete image?

Though Wuerl has denied any knowledge of those claims or of settlements that two dioceses reached with alleged victims of McCarrick, Viganò said ‘it is absolutely unthinkable’ that Sambi had not properly informed Wuerl when he took the reins in Washington in 2006.

But shortly after all this, Cardinal Sambi passed away from a surgery that should have been fine. It was a routine surgery, like that of Cardinal Pell. What an odd coincidence, don’t you think?

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