Archbishop Vigano questions the validity of the process that made Bergoglio, Pope Francis and mentions names (3)

And quote, “In other words, the normal procedures were thrown out. The results were kept hidden, other than the McCarrick having been removed from the Cardinalate and laid aside and handed over the secular authorities. They did it to say face but they didn’t let any of the details out because it wasn’t just McCarrick. It was a network of people as you’ll find out here.”

“And there’s a couple of key figures here to talk about. No one is surprised that Ted McCarrick would work behind the scenes to pull strings for Bergoglio at the conclave. That’s one of the things he’s saying here. That McCarrick is a long-time associate to the late Cardinal Martini who was the head of the old St. Gallon group. I say ‘old’ because they are still around but they’ve got a whole bunch of new members and he was supposed to be Pope instead of Bergoglio. But he got sick before the 2005 conclave that very nearly gave us Pope Francis instead of Benedict the 16th. And Martini was more well-known. He might have actually won the conclave and become Pope in 2005, if he hadn’t gotten sick.”

“McCarrick was perhaps the most influential cardinal in the world, after Cardinal Martini due to his financial and political connections including political connections to certain American agencies. McCarrick was, to put it mildly, a very bad person with some very bad connections to very bad people in the American imperial system. That should not surprise anyone nor is it a surprise that he would work behind the scenes to fix the outcome of the conclave for Bergoglio and explains why Francis protected McCarrick until public pressure got too hot for him in 2018. And I say ‘fix’ because Cardinal Danneels publicly said that they engaged in activities that would have been invalidated that conclave according to the laws set forth by John Paul II in some of his mod proprioes in the 1990s.”

They acknowledged it. Does that make Bergoglio’s selection invalid? Some answer in the affirmative. Some reject it. Since he is widely acknowledged as Pope, a lot of people support him. Future pope will make the decision.

However, Vigano also names Cardinal Sambi, who served as Vigano’s predecessor as a Vatican diplomat to the United States – that’s what a Papal Nunzio is. [Please visit this site’s articles 1 and 2 in this series]. Due to strange surgical problems, he passed unexpectedly in 2011, like Cardinal Pell a few years later. This story, which was published in a different publication in 2018, has since been forgotten. It’s here. This is unexpected because I would not have thought that Crux would ever go into such topics.

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