Archbishop Vigano questions the validity of the process that made Bergoglio, Pope Francis and mentions names (2)

The interview Vigano gave to an Italian news outlet, helps us put pieces together. The news outlet is Il Messaggero while Lifesite did a summary of it.

Let us go the source here. The translation reads “Monsignor Vigano, the archbishop excommunicated by the Pope: ‘I fear for my life. Bergoglio wanted to get rid of those who knew too much.” Vigano “was put on trial in the Vatican for publicly declaring that he did not recognize either the authority of Francis or the Second Vatican Council, both crimes of unprecedented gravity.”

Isn’t calling it “crimes of unprecedented gravity” a bit too much? Without a doubt, Vigano is not the first to face unlawful punishment for raising doubts about Vatican 2. He won’t be the last, for sure. Knowing the procedures at Vatican 2 can help you to see why individuals are unsure about them. With a plethora of Catholic documents prepared, Pope John the 23rd and Cardinal Viani anticipated that the council would last six weeks. On the first day of the council, they silenced Viani, threw out the majority of the documents, and made significant changes to the ones that they kept. That is what transpired, and by “they,” we mean the specialists who had been securing positions in the Roman Curia and assisting in the management of information flow and other matters. Among other things, the procedures followed by this council were unprecedented in history.

In this interview, Vigano states that he’s in fear for his life. He puts a couple of things together. We know about Cardinal George Pell who went in for a routine hip joint surgery in Italy on 10th January 2023 and passed away as a result of it. His death is still shrouded in mystery. According to Catholic media portals, unnamed sources close to the Vatican claimed that the hospital’s video surveillance was switched off at the time of Pell’s death. People from across the church’s ideological spectrum noted that it was kind of odd that it had to happen to him.

Pell wasn’t the first high-profile cardinal in Italy to pass away due to a routine surgery. Vigano’s predecessor in the U.S. had this happen too who was an Italian who also went for surgery and passed away as a result of it. Don’t you think all this is really weird?

During the interview, Vigano is questioned regarding his current residence. He is also questioned regarding Ted McCarrick and related matters. Since the interview is conducted through questions, I will be summarizing Vigano’s responses for you; answers which are really eye-opening:

Quote: “After the release of my memoir on the McCarrick case in August 2018, a contact of mine from the United States warned me that my life was in danger. This is why I do not reside in a fixed place.” This means he moves constantly around. “I do not want to end up like Cardinal Pell, nor like my predecessor in Washington, Cardinal Pietro Sambi. He also strenuously then faced Cardinal McCarrick. Sambi passed in circumstances that have never been clarified after a banal operation, meaning, run-of-the-mill ordinary operation. The certificate issued did not explain the causes of Sambi’s passing, on whom an autopsy was never performed.” Isn’t this weird?

“When I was the secretary of State as Delegate for Pontifical Representation, I personally dealt with the McCarrick case and since then I asked for his removal from the Cardinalate. I direct my superiors as responsible for not having taken into due consideration my judgment based on incontrovertible testimonies. Obviously McCarrick’s actions were convenient for someone in the Secretariat of State. I’m thinking of the huge sums raised through the Papal Foundation that McCarrick had established in the United States. It was precisely to Monsignor Sambi, then substitute that I delivered my note on McCarrick but ambition and the prospects of career advancement induced him to remain silent and hide the scandals. Bergoglio owes his elevation to McCarrick and also for the secret Synod Vatican Agreement, strongly desired by the Jesuits, and the Establishment party who had their big party in Chicago last night, the role of the former Cardinal of Washington is well-known. (The former Cardinal of Washington is Ted McCarrick). The punishment against him decided only in 2019 served to save the reputation of the pontificate. Unfortunately, there was no fair canonical trial and the witnesses were not given opportunity to name the accomplices and the judge was unable to impose any compensation for those harmed by McCarrick, since Bergoglio arrogated to himself the right to define the cause judicata without divulging the official decree which is also a public act. The administrative measure decided had to hide the network of complicity despite the crimes having been known for decades”.

And, quote: “In other words the normal procedures were thrown out and the results were kept hidden other than McCarrick having been removed from the cardinalate and handed over the secular authorities, they did it to their face but they didn’t let any of the details out because it wasn’t just McCarrick. It was a network of people.”

* Side note: Vigano’s predecessor as US nuncio was Sambi. Both were embroiled in canonical investigations pertaining to Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, the former Archbishop of Washington, D.C. He was charged with multiple counts of sexual assault.

The former cardinal (94), whose acute dementia now renders him unfit to stand trial, was excommunicated from the clergy in 2019. This action taken was not only too late, but as Vigano explains, he did not undergo trial. McCarrick belonged to the progressive wing of the Catholic Church in the United States and was one of the most powerful persons in the organization during his active years. Because of monetary donations, McCarrick has long held a position of great influence within the Vatican. He was the reason Francis was elected Pope. The realization of the Vatican-Beijing covert deal was also made possible by McCarrick. According to Vigano, this is the reason Francis held onto McCarrick until 2019. Then he banished him from the priesthood without a trial. He tried to protect the reputation of his pontificate and avoid a trial with embarrassing testimony.

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