Archbishop Vigano questions the validity of the process that made Bergoglio, Pope Francis and mentions names (1)

Numerous individuals have questioned the legitimacy of the procedure that elevated Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio to the position of Pope, suggesting a variety of opposing or even complementary hypotheses regarding the matter.

We must question everything, including Pope Francis’s validity. Given the errors and heresies that have resulted from it, we shouldn’t be surprised if a future Pope doesn’t declare against him in some way. We might even use one or more of those theories, or we might come up with a brand-new theory that hasn’t gained much traction or hasn’t been thought of yet.

We must question the validity of the process that made Bergoglio, Pope and maybe, hopefully in this side of eternity, these questions will be answered. Hopefully, we will witness a restructuring or restoration of orthodoxy in the papacy. Waiting for the Hierarchy to do something is useless.

We need more people to challenge Pope Francis and his efforts to turn the Catholic Church into the Synodal Church which they admit they are doing by the way. The language they use is ‘transformation.’

The identities of the bishops who rigged the 2013 conclave that elected Bergoglio as Pope Francis are listed by Archbishop Vigano. He links them to Cardinal Pell’s demise. And he links the death of Cardinal Pell to the death of another Cardinal that everyone has forgotten about. This Cardinal was, coincidentally, Vigano’s predecessor in the United States, and he had been investigating the financial wrongdoings in the Vatican as well as trying to inform people about Ted McCarrick.

Can you see how this is starting to come together?

Vigano also acknowledges that he continues to live in hiding, rarely stays in one location for an extended period of time, and that he still constantly fears for his life due to the information he has access to. And he’s only now beginning to express these things.

Keep in mind that Vigano is now in his early eighties which means he knows he doesn’t have that much time left probably which is why he is now starting to name names. We all know he was ex-communicated. Anyone who is defending the faith in the clergy, is being ex-communicated by this false pope. What Vigano says publicly is also what many other bishops say publicly. They all challenging Vatican Two – or the heretic Second Vatican Council. Maybe Vigano says what he has to says in a more striking way. It’s because of what he knows. That was why he was ex-communicated. By declaring him to be ex-communicated, many will uncritically accept that he can’t be trusted on anything and that he is now an enemy of the church despite that many of those same people don’t trust a single thing that comes out of Rome. Why did they accept this ex-communication when they don’t trust anything else that Rome does is a mystery.

In the second piece, I will go through what Vigano said in the interview.

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