Archbishop Charles Scicluna of the white-washed tombs & poses paves the road to hell with his skull & those of the politicians

“Archbishop Charles Scicluna has marked the 60th anniversary of Malta’s independence by praying for Malta to be forgiven for greed, corruption, arrogance, the exploitation of foreign workers, and the ‘assassination of innocent voices’.”

“Delivering a homily at St John’s co-Cathedral to an audience that included the country’s top dignitaries, Scicluna asked for God’s forgiveness.”

“‘Forgive us for the times greed became the poison that drove us, for when we stole instead of gave, destroyed instead of built, or built wrongly and only for money’.”

“Forgive us for how many times we have turned politics into an occasion for personal gain and an outlet for our ambition,” Scicluna said.

He asked God to forgive Malta for the “arrogance and corruption that tarnish the glory of our country”, and for the times the Maltese exploited foreign workers.

“Forgive us for the violence in words and deeds that even led to the assassination of inconvenient voices and innocent victims”.

Among all those present, suits and hats and richness, there was the Migrant President Myriam Spiteri Debono of the New Migrant Malta, Prime Minister of U-turns Robert Abela, the whatever of some sort of party Bernard Grech, and, of course, the one who is still attached to the seat of power – none other than Lawrence Gonzi.

There is a huge problem with Scicluna’s sermon and prayers. For his prayers to come true, all Malta needs to come out now, stay in line and start saying the rosary, so that hopefully, these prayers reach God’s ears. The phrase that hits the correct button here is ‘Look who’s talking!’

We start with his statement: “Forgive us for the violence in words and deeds that even led to the assassination of inconvenient voices and innocent victims”. But then we get this:

Then we get to the corruption and greed forgiveness prayers. Firstly, apart from the fact that his passionless sermons feel as if someone is tickling you with a feather, he should demand for corruption and greed to stop. But Charles Jude Scicluna of the white-washed tombs and poses knows that stopping corruption on this little dot and the rest of the world, entails a miracle and we are at the stage where Satan has so much engulfed everything, with the permission of the Church itself, that even the slightest miracle would appear a dream.

Did Charles Jude Scicluna of the white-washed tombs and poses remember to include the corrupt, politically-affiliated Church he represents? The head of the local church seems a little conceited when he allows his corrupt priest, who was given church property by the people, to lease it for a long time to corrupt contractors who are friends of corrupt high-ranking politicians. This is done to build a corrupt “home for the elderly” business, which benefits from a corrupt planning authority and harms the environment and the same people.

Did Charles Jude Scicluna of the white-washed tombs and poses remember to include the corrupt Church he represents? The head of the local church seems a little conceited when we remember that his Church is the major shareholder of APS, the third largest bank in Malta, which might possibly become the largest if it purchases HSBC.

Did Charles Jude Scicluna of the white-washed tombs and poses forget the Nadur land dispute whereby Nadur residents were told land they occupy does not belong to them when it was decided for this land to be handed over to speculators and during which, under this agreement the Church received a capital sum (€200,000), interest from which would enable it to continue to honour the pious obligations? Please read here and here.

Shame on you! Woe on you!

A church leader who is just another merchant turning the church from a house which should be filled only with prayers into a cave of bandits!

His Grace Mgr Charles Jude Scicluna borrowed a Moses costume, complete with a mitre and two lappets hanging from the back, from Ta’ Ġieżu Good Friday procession, walked up Republic Street into St. John’s Cathedral and returned the ten commandment tablets.

As his steps break the silence in the majestic cathedral, Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna of the white-washed tombs, posed in front of Caravaggio’s ‘The Beheading of St John the Baptist’ reminding himself how a Grand Master was given papal permission to have a murderer become a knight of obedience.

Behind the altar, a clink of a bag of 30 pieces of silver resonates.

“Thou shalt have no other god before me,” said his majesty with two horns.

Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna of the white-washed tombs and poses and 30 pieces of silver paves the road to hell with his skull and those of the politicians.

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