Archbishop Charles Scicluna, Fr. Joe Borg and the ‘assassination of innocent voices’

Delivering a homily at St. John’s co-Cathedral to Malta’s hierarchies, “Archbishop Charles Scicluna has marked the 60th anniversary of Malta’s independence by praying for Malta to be forgiven for greed, corruption, arrogance, the exploitation of foreign workers, and the ‘assassination of innocent voices’.

But he never came out to condemn a priest of his who came out asking for the ostracism of the unvaccinated – the assassination of silent voices who refused to play Satan’s game.

A reminder that this was Father Joe Borg, the expert of the corporate pro-vaccine, pro-agendas, media.

Father Joe Borg – whose irreligious bourgeois faith is horizontal since it follows the current consensus turning Christianity into a religion of politics. He is the same one who, for being a servant to the satanic New World Order, was recently awarded with the appointment to a Vatican study group tasked with examining the Catholic church’s mission in the digital environment – meaning, that the Church continues to promise to be a servant to any Satanic agenda of the New World Order, as the self-appointed technocratic overlords are constructing a digital open air prison all around us.

He also proclaimed to be anti-liberal when it came to the abortion proposal, writing:

“Prudence dictates that I should shut up. Perhaps I should even apologise for having the temerity to speak on the subject. I am a male, over 70 years of age and – horrors of horrors – a priest.

According to the mainstream position of our self-styled lobby of liberals, I am triply incompetent to have and, worse still, to publicly express an opinion on Abela’s abortion motion. Like an extinct dinosaur genetically brought to life as an exhibit in iron cages, I am only allowed a non-speaking part in Colin Trevorrow’s Jurassic World.”

What about the other thousands of liberal agendas that are going on simultaneously, Fr. Borg?

Prudence dictates that Father Borg should have spoken up against the deadly and experimental Covid-19 vaccines and in favour of those who refused to inject this poison in their body. Perhaps, he should have even come out apologising for having the temerity to speak against the unjabbed and order their restrictions. He is a male, 70 years of age, and – horrors of horrors – a priest.

Reflecting Christ, Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna should have spoken up against the deadly and experimental Covid-19 vaccines and in favour of those who refused to inject their poison in their body. Perhaps, he should have even come out apologising for even coming out advocating for the deadly and experimental Covid-19 vaccines. He is a male, 65 years of age, and – horrors of horrors – an archbishop.

Deprived of the walk of the spirit, and suffering from a mind block, Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna, not only did not condemn Fr. Borg, but he urged people to take the deadly and experimental Covid-19 vaccines, repeating and echoing the corrupt Vatican’s statement that taking the vaccine is ‘an act of love to one another.’

You don’t do it your way, Scicluna, but God’s way. What happened to the other part of the line? You need to love God first, and then one another, like you love yourself. So, why did you come out saying that by getting the jab you’re showing an act of love for your neighbour? What happened to the first half of the verse? You need to love God, Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna, because unless you learn how to love your neighbour like yourself, because without God, the neighbour doesn’t exist, and you won’t exist, and I won’t exist. It is God who gives us the existence, and without God everything is nothing.

Whoever advocated for this deadly, experimental vaccine – like Fr. Joe Borg and Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna – have no place in the path of Truth in this unique time.

Whoever advocated for this deadly, experimental vaccine – like Fr. Joe Borg and Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna – have brought about the physical assassination of so many voices, while assassinating the voices of the unjabbed, whose voice was not being heard.

I happened not to have much of a liking for Pharisees living among us who appear righteous in the eyes of men, but within are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.

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