Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna embraces the LGBTIQ Agenda, leading souls astray

It was very cunning and scheming for Newsbook, the Church media, to mislead its readers when it comes to the LGBTQ agenda:

As usual, they paint the LGBTQ agenda with a different brush. And Archbishop Charles Scicluna is not only fine about it, but he is also promoting this agenda. Just like Cardinal Mario Grech before him did – a Grech who changed his position. Well, it should come as no surprise considering that Cardinal Mario Grech is a central figure in pope’s plan to change the Catholic Church, for the worse and its destruction. A lot of things transpire from this lilliput island, dear readers.

And obviously, Scicluna of no backbone, is not interested in following in Christ’s footsteps. Just like his Capo in Rome does. Because for Scicluna, it is more important to be promoted to Cardinal like Mario Grech was, rather than mirroring Christ. In so doing, he is leading souls astray.

No one has ever said that individuals, including those of the LGBTQ community, are not precious. Each individual is precious. Each individual is to be understood and appreciated.

In a homily on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the local GAY CATHOLIC group Drachma – a group for homosexuals, bisexuals, trans, intersex and all of whatever the rest are outside male and female, Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna echoed the gospel and was inspired by the Liturgy of God’s word. He referred to the gospel according to Saint Luke Chapter 15, whereby the word ‘drachma’, which is nothing but a copper, a coin, is considered precious. Excuse me? Did he just make a comparison with money?

According to Scicluna, money is “xi ħaġa ta’ min ifittixha u li meta jsibha jagħmel festa” [something that when one looks for it, and finds it, celebrates.” Oh God, help us!

Drachma also accepts within it friends of the LGBTI people with an aim to “integrate sexuality and spirituality together.” Come again? How? Because the only way to integrate sexuality and spirituality is to do away with the LGBTQ lifestyle, which is a crime in the eyes of God. God does not approve of the LGBTQ lifestyle. U kif qiegħda fiha, neither promiscuity of the heterosexuals, so to make myself crystal clear.

It then should come as no surprise that this Drachma has welcomed the language and tone used by bishops at Synod about homosexuality considering that this synod was heresy from the beginning to end.

The gay-friendly language emanating from the Synod of bishops in Rome has been hailed “a positive development” by gay Catholic group Drachma. “The Synod is finally recognising the intrinsic value of the mutual love, self-sacrifice and care for LGBTI people…”

“Inspired by the Liturgy of the Word, the Archbishop recalled that God created everything good, and that he wants the creatures to have everything that belongs to him: life and love.”

How misleading! Please continue to read his nonsense here and try to stomach it. All he says is heretic.

As a church leader, Archbishop Scicluna, my question to you is this: are you obeying blindly and parroting Bergoglio, your Capo in Rome?

As a church leader, Archbishop Scicluna, my question to you is this: can you please clarify your stance as far as the LGBTQIA XYZ is concerned?

You say that God created everything good, and that he wants his creation to have everything that belongs to him: life and love. Is it the ‘love is love’ that you are endorsing, Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna of the Woke?

We all know that God loves everyone. But we are not children of God. We are His creation. We become His children the minute we decide to live for Him and only Him and try to walk in Christ’s footsteps. We promise to be re-born in Christ everyday.

But hang on a second! Does God agree with everyone’s behaviour and acts? It’s impossible. What are you going to say about Sodom and Gomorrah, Scicluna? You must have read and studied the bible, Scicluna, considering you are an archbishop. Do you know why God burnt it to the ground? Because they were all homosexuals there.

Did you tell Drachma during your homily inside the church, Scicluna, that they cannot embrace the LGBTIQ lifestyle because this is how you speak Truth and you lead souls towards God!? Do you know that the LGBTIQ lifestyle is a crime, Scicluna? I’ll say this to you, Scicluna, and every church leader that thinks this way: you say it’s a sin but it’s not a crime. I’ll say to you the other way around. It is not more so of a sin. It’s a crime. Because if we talk about sin, all of us are sinners. All of us. I cannot judge a sinner like me. So if LGBTQ has to do with sin, I need to shut up. I must shut up. I cannot say anything. They are sinners. I’m a sinner. Then we are in the same boat.

But the reason why this is unacceptable has nothing to do with sin but it’s got to do with IDENTITY. HUMAN IDENTITY, which has got to do with God, Scicluna! With Jesus Christ Himself. Genesis 1:26 – God, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, are talking. ‘Let us go down and make man in our image according to our likeness, and this man was called male and female. So the male and the female were created by God the father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit together and their image. According to their likeness. So, when a man says ‘I’m a female,’ he has wiped the identity which God has created him with. And when a female says ‘I’m a male,’ she has wiped the identity which God has created her with. And when you say none of the above, then you have wiped your identity as a HUMAN, which God has made you in His image, according to His likeness.

So, I’ll say this to my country’s dear archbishop – what are you doing exactly? Are you saying that you agree with a crime, a lifestyle, which God condemns? Are you in favour of a lifestyle which is a crime against the very God which you should be worshipping, and representing, and following, which He said, “I made this man in my image according to my likeness.”

Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna, being a lukewarm Christian, assuming that you are a Christian of course, is very dangerous, because you blend in with everybody and impact nobody. Would you stand with God and be condemned by the world or would you rather stand with the world and be condemned by God, Scicluna?

Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna, are you sitting under a false gospel, a false doctrine, surrounding yourselves with false teachers and wolves forsaking the assembly?

Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna, are you partaking in the sins of the Church because if you are, then you should know that whoever does so, will receive a share of her plagues (Revelation 18:4).

We need preachers who preach that hell is still hot and real, that heaven is still real, that sin is still wrong, and that Jesus is the only way of Salvation.

But Archbishop Scicluna won’t have anything to do with this. He is all about endorsing anything that Bergoglio orders, just like he is endorsing the LGBTIQ agenda.

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