A true testimony of vaccine-injured 29-year-old Andreas (7) – the gastroenterology

“Basically at that point in time I had explored, what was it, so many different things with my gastroenterologist at the time. That’s when I had my colonoscopy after cause I was like, I had no clue I was hitting a brick wall. I was like, maybe it’s something with my colon, right? Cause that’s what was recommended to me by the doctors obviously. I didn’t know any better. I just did the test at that point. And nothing was found except for a one, apparently, insignificant lesion as well. Again, too, in my colon. That was apparently they were saying it’s maybe the prep that I took or something like that.

And after that, that’s when I had a doctor and get this – I was at the office of the gastroenterologist. I had gone, I think, through four, I think I believe four gastroenterologists because three of them left the office which is insane. Like within the amount of time, like within 2 or 3 weeks that I was visiting and seeing the first gastroenterologist I found out he’s gone from the office. I come back again, the other doctor there that I saw once and was looking to see again – completely gone! Like within a two week span and then finally this third doctor. Now that’s still been there for about a year and a half that I’ve been working with. He was the first doctor that recommended for me to do a small intestinal bacteria overgrowth test. And when I did that, lo and behold, it came back positive. That I had small intestinal bacteria overgrowth. So, once again, guys, I know this is a very long-winded video. I hope I can make this kind of cut down and clear. But after that confirmation that I had with the small intestinal bacteria overgrowth, the doctor prescribed antibiotics to basically kill off the bacteria in my system. And then repopulate my gut microbiome with healthy bacteria to get it back to a normal point basically.

Because if you don’t what small intestine bacteria does – it’s basically your whole gut microbiome is replaced by an overgrowth of bacteria that are basically bad bacteria that are affecting your whole intestinal tract and what it does is, when you eat certain foods, it basically transform those foods into gases. When you eat a lot of sugary stuff, you’ll obviously notice that your whole system will have massive amount of gas, bloating. You can even have malabsorption because the bacteria is like eating all of the nutrients from the food in your system. And it’s definitely not a good time, 100%, because it just completely causes like a shock to your digestive system, and once supposedly whatever took the regiment antibiotics, I did feel better at the time. I was taking that in tandem with probiotics and after that whole ordeal, I was able to start eating food that I used to eat, very slowly.

And then, fast forward to now, I would say I’ve gotten much much better than what I was in the beginning with this. But I don’t feel 100% still. I would say I’m at like 60% of what I used to eat. I can tolerate now normal foods that you would eat and even occasional fast foods which I try to stay away from as much now but it’s what it is these days and the amount of stress that goes with not being able to eat the foods that you used to.”

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