A true testimony of vaccine-injured 29-year-old Andreas (4) – the doctors and the tests

“This is where I’ll get into how I’ve been going to countless doctors since this all happened. Pretty much every doctor you could think of under the sun that I’ve been working with, through this whole process. I’ve gone to countless gastroenterologists. In the beginning, obviously they went down the rabbit hole, you know, maybe it’s something gastro related. Obviously I got an endoscopy. I got a colonoscopy. Nothing abnormal was found except two key markers that I feel are very crucial that other doctors had overlooked.

When I had my endoscopy they found – this was very early on – so I got the endoscopy just a couple of weeks after the hospital visit I believe, maybe a month later and a half, where they did find signs of gastritis. So, I’m not a doctor but from my deduction, gastritis is a form of inflammation of the stomach lining and that might not seem like something related right but with the problems I was having I was like, oh, maybe that’s the source of everything the reason why I’m having all these abnormal issues – maybe it’s just the gastritis irritating my system and then causing these other issues.

They prescribed me famotidine obviously which is prescribed for gastritis and that’s meant to inhibit the acid production in the stomach and kind of lessen it so the stomach lining heals and gets better over time. When I was taking that the stomach problems did improve slightly I would say. And in the beginning during this whole process during that time, I was unable to eat certain foods. It felt like when I was digesting I was having extremely, extremely low motility and digestion, if that makes any sense.

I feel it also reflected in my bowel movement as well too. I know this is a lot of guys to talk about but I feel like it all really the amount of everything like now in sequential order really I feel like will really help. Even now with this video maybe doctors can even listen to this instead of me actually telling me because I’m kind of documenting everything sequential. But, the primary thing was my whole system felt like it was dysfunctional. My digestive system, my nervous system, my muscular system as well was affected.

And, at the point I am now, I would say, is, every single doctor I’ve went to has literally told me to my face at this point, because I’ve done every test under the sun – I’ve done MRI of the brain, cervical spine, nothing has been found. I’ve done countless rheumatological blood tests with my rheumatologist for signs of inflammation anywhere in the body. Nothing has been found. And the thing is that when I recommended other tests to the doctors saying like ‘hey, you know we haven’t explored this A, B, or C still even though we’ve done these other tests, I would like to do these other tests.’ It’s just been like complete gaslighting and just getting shunned by the medical as well too.

Through this whole process has been so, so difficult. And the thing is, coming from me, where I’ve been healthy my whole life and then the complete 180 of everything has changed my whole life now where my daily life has been a struggle every day now for me. The unknown is probably the worst part through this whole process that it’s basically like I have a disease or syndrome that is undetermined for the past four years at this point. And the only thing that I’ve been led to literally by my doctors’ own mouths has been ‘the vaccine or covid itself’ because now the official point of the early visits of doctors in 2021, I would say like late 2021, they had no clue what was going on and at that point I was bringing up even at that time too that can it be from my vaccine because of the adverse reaction that I’ve felt from it that I believe was the trigger cause and then everything also was leaning towards immune system relation because of the symptoms I was having. You know, the muscle fasciculations, the nerve problems early on, and then the culmination that all the tests that I did that were coming up with perfect results. No vitamin deficiencies. No B vitamin deficiencies. Nothing abnormal with the MRIs.

And the thing is now, my, I would say two or three doctors have pointed their finger towards the Covid Pfizer vaccine because they’ve been seeing other people like me with similar symptoms unexplained.

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