A true testimony of vaccine-injured 29-year-old Andreas (2) – the next day

“Then I remember waking up the next day, lying on my stomach, after I did fall asleep that night. The pain did stop where I was able to sleep and very regretfully I did not go to the ER. I do regret. Now I feel like but I woke up the next day with basically a pain and a throbbing sensation in my lower left abdomen right above the rib cage, by the stomach. And that point, I was like that’s weird, maybe I’ve had some stomach problem or stomach ache, right. It will surely go, it will surely pass like within like an hour or a little bit of time, right? I went out for a walk, I remember, actually to go to take a walk to see if I could just you know maybe you know it’s some all from last night in my head, some stress right. And then, it kept persisting and persisting.

I remember that day when I came home after walking for a bit and I was like this is very weird. I was like my stomach was throbbing. I remember it felt like a burning sensation if it makes any sense and like an irritation feeling too where like where the exact spot was. It felt very irritated, if that makes any sense to you guys. And that’s when I went to the ER. So, I went to the ER and the first thing the doctors, I described to them everything like I just did. I didn’t have any other symptoms at the time but, you know, obviously you know, it’s probably something stomach related. They did a CT of my abdomen with contrast I believe it was an iodine based contrast if I’m not mistaken that’s usually what they give you for CTs. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t gadolinium based cause that’s more of the MRI side from my knowledge. With all this, they obviously thought it was something stomach related. Yeah, they had no clue. That was in 2021 by the way too. So, like covid, knowledge and just protocols were all over the place still and they still are now and it’s just I can’t even blame them cause I only had those symptoms at the time.

I remember after they took the CT they found nothing wrong obviously out of the ordinary with the CT. Everything was perfect. Blood test was fine. What else was done – I’m trying to remember. I was given I think a concoction they give you like to numb stomach pain or something in the hospital. I think it uses lidocaine something else like a couple other stuff, I forgot what it was.”

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