A true testimony of vaccine-injured 29-year-old Andreas (1) – the pain

Here follows a complete and honest account of a vaccine-injured, together with feelings of guilt. There is no doubt that his condition is caused by the Covid-19 vaccine. Since the internal injury we are dealing with is bio-technological and has disease-like symptoms, almost all mainstream doctors are at a loss as to how to treat it. The people who could assist him won’t as they run the risk of losing their licenses should they identify any injuries linked to the vaccine.

These cases must be looked at as an injury and treated as such like a sore that won’t heal but in this case it is internal. Let us reach out to this man and offer our help and advice. I will be doing a transcript of his long video and publish it in a series of articles.

“Hello everybody. So, this video has been going through my mind for the past four years. Whether I should make it or basically not put it out because I’ve been trying so hard basically to sort everything out, that’s been going through my life right now, with this whole situation and I’ve just been really focused on that but I had to make this video because I feel like it would help other people that are hopefully going through the same problem that I’m going through with all this. And I really hope it just is kind of informational for everybody and maybe someone out there as well can maybe even, you know, God willing, know exactly what’s going on with me or maybe has gone through something similar.

So I’m going to get started and kind of just talk about how everything started with my covid, long with my covid LGH hauling journey and more in the case of the Pfizer vaccine as well that I believe is probably the root cause of everything that exacerbated it probably more including my co-infection but let me go back to where it all began.

So, first off, my name is Andreas guys, and I am currently 29 years old. And back in September of 2021, I believe that’s when I got my two doses of the Pfizer vaccine, and I’ll never forget that night because I went to I believe a local Walmart to get my vaccine, and nothing, really out of the ordinary happened after I got both of them. The trip home was fine but when I sat down to or like not sat down but like when I went to go lay down and get ready for bed, that’s when all of a sudden the immense pain in my lower left elbow area right about here. It felt like someone was stabbing me with like a twelve inch knife. That’s the only way I can describe that excruciating pain that I was going through. And at that moment I was almost freaked out where I was like I need to go to the ER because this seems abnormal. This seems, you know, I’ve never felt a pain like this ever in my life. And I was telling my mum that I got to go to the ER, like I have to go and my mum was getting like panicked a little bit obviously too cause she saw I definitely didn’t look right and at that point I told myself ‘Alright, maybe I have to calm down. I have to calm down, you know, like maybe I’m making it worse too like, you know, stressing out and everything else now with it. But a couple of minutes later it calmed down and the pain stopped.”

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