A ritual of grandeur, of lies and hypocrisy by the traitors in parliament for the New Migrant Malta, prostitute of the EU and servant of the UN

According to MaltaToday, “Malta will be celebrating its 50th anniversary since becoming a sovereign republic in 1974, with a large-scale event that is set to cost at least €2 million.” Marelli, kemm flus! X’pastażata u tħanżir. Mulej idħol għalina inti.

An irresponsible government for Elitism governed by the Elite spends this huge amount of money for a ritual to commemorate the loss of Malta’s sovereignty, that is.

This little dot just enthusiastically engages in rituals of grandeur, which are neither done seriously, nor sacredly. And the ruthless, anti-Maltese politicians just go through such rituals while wasting our time and the taxpayers’ money turning such rituals into ones which have no force whatsoever.

The event will be a large-scale one, aiming to pull the crowd to it. The masses of course, who are very prone to engage in anything as long as they are distracted and lobotomized from evil agendas of the matrix they are trapped in, but which they happily photograph themselves in, unaware of its and their existence. This event will just somaticize the masses. But this event is free – so that the government “instils a sense of national identity and pride.”

Hahaha! How hypocritical. Can you repeat? I’m just hearing buzzing in my ears.

“FCN said the significant juncture offers an opportunity for the government to orchestrate commemorative events that will pay homage to Malta’s history and accomplishments, ‘reflecting upon our rich tapestry of history and achievements while also charting a course towards a prosperous future.'”

Hahaha! How hypocritical. Can you repeat? I’m just hearing buzzing in my ears.

“This moment beckons us to unite as a cohesive entity, transcending political boundaries. By underscoring the non-partisan essence of this commemoration, we can forge a legacy that resonates across generations, showcasing Malta’s resilience, cultural diversity, and historical richness,” FCN said in its call for bids.

Hahaha! How hypocritical. Can you repeat? I’m just hearing buzzing in my ears. By ‘cultural diversity’ they mean the New Migrant Malta, no?

First, these two million could be injected in other sectors which are desperately crying for help. This is just waste of money and a political effort from the ruthless spiritless politicians to further degrade us nation-wise and morally, which the politicians themselves destroyed. Traitors!

Second, this country is no longer independent. This country is no longer sovereign. We are a colony of the EU, of the UN and governed by the New World Order. For the Elite, we are just another insignificant nation which only holds importance as a global reset tool for their totalitarian control. It might only get some praise because it is a country which follows blindly their governmental deities’ orders which comes handy for the Globalists. But let’s celebrate – that we are prostitutes of the Tribe of Cain, Babylon and Babel. Ruffians of international Globalist entities is what we are.

Third, It would also be fascinating to read any historical studies of Malta’s genuine republicanization process. I mean the talks that took place behind closed doors. On how the public was not even aware that Malta was going to become a republic during the months-long secret meetings between the two political parties to design the Independence constitution, and how they were later faced with a fait accompli.

Fourth, political unity? In an ongoing divide-and-conquer strategy, which always works? If we take a look back at the process which made Malta become a Republic, one cannot omit the great unrest that ran wild on the streets during the run-up to the Independence Celebrations. Because while the PN wanted an independence within the Common Wealth, the then MLP wanted absolute independence. On the other spectrum, you get those who tell you that independence day was opposed by MLP. And one fine day, on 31st March 1979, we had the Freedom Day, buzz word. Two political parties which kept Malta divided about who achieved what bla bla. But let’s have the first clap in the theatre of clownish politics, so that we can all rise, clap and follow. All rise!

What about doing it simply? Having the Prime Minister getting down from his fence for once and from Cloud 9 and doing, from Castille, one speech of Truth so to wake up this nation from its bed of anaesthesia? But no. Let us do the pompous grandeur.

The best way to honor Malta is to draft a new constitution to replace the corrupt political system of patronage and nepotism, dismantle this ruthless, hypocritical, traitorous two-party system turned one to enable genuine representation of the people in parliament.

It won’t happen because it is far simpler to spend $2 million on hype and fairytales of lies and mind-control programming by two churches who just seek dominance in a country which is not a republic, not independent, not sovereign.

We just have a ritual of grandeur, of lies and hypocrisy by the traitors in parliament for the New Migrant Malta, prostitute of the EU and servant of the UN.

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