A New Draconian Scotland law imprisons parents who refuse to ‘transition’ their child

A new Scotland law will imprison parents who refuse to ‘transition’ their child for up to seven years.

Parents who are seen as “controlling” or who are seen to have “pressured” their child to “act in a particular way” when it comes to “gender identity” may be breaking the law in an ambiguous and broad attempt to outlaw so-called “conversion therapy.” The acts may result in criminal sanctions if they create “fear, alarm, and distress.”

Religious leaders in Scotland from all denominations have expressed worry that the new law’s confusing and imprecise phrasing may also penalize Christians who, in good faith, provide mainstream pastoral care, counsel, or opinions. If the law is passed, it may infringe upon parents’ rights as well as fundamental human rights to free expression and religious freedom.

In addition, the government would establish a new “civil protection order” to stop incidents that result in subjective “harm” but do not meet the requirements for criminality. The order might give judges broad authority to restrict people’s freedom of speech.

This is beyond draconian. This law infringes upon fundamental human rights, including the freedom of religion and speech, especially those of people in positions of pastoral care, as well as the right and obligation of parents to protect their children. Since when is common-sense parenting a crime?

Parents are not children, and children are not grownups. The great majority of parents are dedicated to provide their kids with a good upbringing, despite its occasionally challenging nature. Rather than skepticism, they should be shown support and safety. Many people firmly believe that biological sex is unchangeable, based on scientific evidence. Their concerns are based on firsthand accounts from people who were pressured to make decisions that would change their lives but ultimately proved to be unhelpful.

Instead of assisting parents in raising their kids, the Draconian Government is now criminalizing them.

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