A History of Disney – the Military

“After the U.S. joined W.W. II, Disney Productions were made a part of the American military establishment. The very next day after Pearl Harbour, the military moved onto the Disney Studio, which leads this author to suspect that Disney was already part of the power establishment prior to the war breaking out. Disney made military movies/cartoons that taught the different branches of the military many things. They made propaganda movies for the allies. One series of films was ‘Why we fight’. Disney made movies for the IRS to get people to pay their taxes. Some of the Disney films were top secret, and concerned secret military weapons or secret psychological tactics of the Americans. For instance, one military film was ‘Army Psycho Therapy’ which taught army men how to instil fear, and about the basics of fear. Another army film was ‘Prostitution And the War’. Another showed a carrier pigeon evading the Germans.”

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