A history of Disney – EPCOT

“When ABC wouldn’t let Walt make a TV series out of a storyline where a magic ring changes a boy into a dog ( a mind-control programming theme) – because ABC didn’t think the public could swallow the story line – Walt quit ABC for NBC. Walt then made a scaled down version of this occult storyline entitled The Shaggy Dog.

Early in the 1960s, Walt and his brother Roy went secretly looking for an area on the east coast to build another Disney Park. Walt the younger of the two, died in 1966, and Roy finished the project. Beginning in 1964, 30,000 acres were secretly purchased at $200 an acre in the Orlando, FL area just west of NASA’s Cape Kennedy. Using phoney names and paying cash, Disney buyers bought the land and swore the sellers to secrecy. The Magic Kingdom has been multiplying. In 1971, Walt Disney World was opened to the public. Bob Hope and others participated in a Disney special on Oct. 29, 1971 ‘Grand opening of Walt Disney World.’

From the time of its opening until Oct. 12, 1995, Disney World calculated 1/2 billion people visited Disney World. This amusement park is in Orlando, Fl on over 27,400 acres and includes the EPCOT Center (now also called simply EPCOT). The EPCOT center was another dream of Walt Disney’s (albeit more than slightly modified from Walt’s original EPCOT ideas). EPCOT originally stood for Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow. It was to be an extension of the massive mind-control being carried out at Disney World. The original EPCOT city designed by Walt was to carry on its commerce (traffic) via underground roads and tunnels like the Disney Theme parks. After Walt Disney died, his successors changed the proposed experimental city into another theme park simply called EPCOT. It is not unusual to see crowds of over 48,000 people descend on Walt Disney World and the EPCOT centre in a single day. Some visitors arrive via a monorail.

Visitors can buy 5-Day World Hopper passes which allow them to bounce around with admission to all the sites for a seven day period. In other words, some families stay for a week at Disneyworld. Hardcore visitors can get Annual Passports which provide unlimited use of Walt Disney World for an entire year.”

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