A history of Disney – Draconian powers

“Disney amusement parks have been granted draconian powers wherever they have been built! The Disney parks have also employed armies of spies dressed like tourists to spy on Disney’s employees! If amusement park workers did anything slightly out of place, they were (and still are) reported by the spies in the camp, and they often have lost their jobs. For instance, one ex-worker, who had 10 years with Disney, was caught discussing his divorce with another worker. Since divorce doesn’t fit the wholesome image that Disney wants, when the spy dressed as a tourist reported his conversation, he lost his job.

Many workers have tried to tell their personal horror stories of Disney’s draconian rules and their draconian private police force, but most of the time Disney has had the power to suppress and intimidate away any bad publicity. An exception to that is the recent Nov. 4, ’96 Napa Valley Register article on page 2D entitled, ‘Critics of Disneyland Say Security Abusive Inside Magic Kingdom.’

UCLA law professor David Sklansky commented about Disney’s police, ‘One of the major problems we have is nobody really knows what they are doing – how often they stop, interrogate or search people. They are not subject to the same sort of regulatory controls.’ It’s almost superfluous to tell readers that Disney’s amusement park with it’s theme areas such as Fantasyland, Tomorrowland and Adventureland were a great success. Everyone worldwide was curious to visit this entertainment mecca to participate in something that had a clean, wholesome image to it. The entire world system pulled together to insure that Disneyland got the image and publicity that the top 13 Illuminati families and the various syndicates wanted it to have. For 40 years they’ve done this. When something that everyone thinks is clean and wholesome is not attacked by the world system, that should raise eyebrows among thinking people. Home schooling, learning to read phonetically and other wholesome activities for children have been viciously attacked and ridiculed by the established media. Why has Disney gone untouched? Disney Studios for years strove to have a very clean image. Workers had dress codes, and any activity on the part of employees that wasn’t morally conservative was grounds for instant dismissal. Of course, the exceptions were well covered up, such as an employee to undress until nude. John L. Hulteng, author of The Messenger’s Motives (Englewood Cliff, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1976, p. 213) informs us: ‘As communication researchers have emphasized, the greatest impact the media have on the formation or change of public opinion is in terms of impressions built up over a long period.’

The wholesomeness of Disney is an image that has been built over a long period of time. Disney’s occult themes of world citizenship, witchcraft, humanism, and idolatry have also been long running impressions that have been craftily perpetrated upon this nation, so long that they began prior to this author’s – and probably the reader’s – birth.”

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