A group of residents in Mellieħa invite others to join them and object the monstrous project that will replace the green lung

Aħna grupp ta’ residenti li qed jingħaqdu sabiex jieħdu ħsieb il-ġid komuni tal-Mellieħa, kif ukoll il-kwalità tal-ħajja ta’ dawk kollha li jgħixu fir-raħal tagħna.

Ninsabu maħsudin bl-applikazzjoni għall-iżvilupp ta’ spazju miftuħ fiż-żona tal-Mellieħa Heights u qed nagħmlu ħilitna sabiex niġġieldu kontra binja massiċċa ta’ iżjed minn mitt appartament, u b’171 garaxx f’żewġ sulari taħt l-art.

Għaldaqstant qed inħeġġukom tingħaqdu magħna kontra dan l-iżvilupp mingħajr ħtieġa u mingħajr ebda sens.

OĠĠEZZJONAW billi tużaw din il-ħolqa: https://shorturl.at/al7KZ

Tistgħu tużaw dan it-test għall-oġġezzjoni:

Nixtieq noġġezzjona għall-applikazzjoni PA/00371/24 għar-raġunijiet li ġejjin:

Dan il-bini se jibla’ spazju miftuħ li jgawdu minnu r-residenti ta’ Triq il-Miġbħa, Triq is-Sagħtar, u fil-madwar;

In-numru ta’ appartamenti u garaxxijiet propost huwa spoporzjonat meta wieħed iqis il-viċinat;

It-traffiku ġġenerat mill-171 garaxx propost se jkollu effetti ħżiena fuq is-saħħa tar-residenti u fuq il-fluss tat-traffiku fiż-żona;

Il-bini se jkollu impatt massiċċ fuq il-provvista tad-dawl u l-ilma fiż-żona;

Ma hemmx garanzija li l-infrastruttura tad-drenaġġ se treġi l-piż ta’ proġett bħal dan;

Ma ġiet ippreżentata ebda ġustifikazzjoni għal dan il-proġett, li m’għandux skopijiet soċjali jew komunitarji, u għall-ħtieġa għal iżjed minn mitt appartament ieħor;

Dan il-bini se jeqred għal dejjem pjanti indiġeni u endemiċi li għandhom jiġu protetti.

Tistgħu toġġezzjonaw ukoll permezz ta’ email fuq [email protected]. Żidu n-numru tal-applikazzjoni PA/00371/24 fis-suġġett tal-email.

Fil-ġimgħat li ġejjin se nħabbru inizjattivi oħra.

Grazzi tal-appoġġ!

Residenti tal-Mellieħa


We’re a group of residents who is joining forces to preserve the common good of Mellieħa, as well as our quality of life and of all those who reside in our town.

We are shocked at the application to develop an open space in Mellieha Heights, and we’re doing our best to fight against a monstrous building which will include more than a hundred apartments with 171 garages on two underground levels.

Therefore, we encourage you to join us in our efforts against this needless and senseless construction project.

SEND YOUR OBJECTION by using this link: https://shorturl.at/al7KZ

You can use the following text as your objection:

I am objecting to PA/00371/24 for the following reasons:

This project will take up an open space currently enjoyed by residents of Triq il-Miġbħa, Triq is-Sagħtar, and the surrounding area;

The number of apartments and garages proposed is disproportionate to the rest of the neighbourhood;

The traffic generated by the 171 garages proposed will have negative effects on the health of residents and on the flow of traffic in the area;

The development will have a massive impact on the supply of electricity and water in the area;

There are no guarantees that the drainage network can sustain such a development;

No justification has been given for this project, which doesn’t serve any social or scope for the community, nor for the need for another hundred apartments;

It will eradicate forever a number of indigenous and endemic plants which ought to be protected.

You can also object via email on [email protected]. Include number PA/00371/24 in your subject line.

We will be announcing further initiatives in the coming weeks.

We thank you for your support!

Mellieħa residents


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