A graphic sex book aimed at children sparks controversy as it makes the shortlist for a major literary award

Despite its extremely contentious subject, Dr. Melissa Kang and TV presenter Yumi Stynes’ graphic sex book “Welcome to Sex” has been shortlisted for the Prime Minister’s Literary Awards.

The book, which features graphic images of sexual actions and is aimed at young readers as young as eight, has drawn a lot of criticism in the previous year.

Big W, a major retailer, took the book off its shelves shortly after it was published due to public outcry over its graphic material. Many parents expressed concern that their children could readily acquire such content. There were demands for the book to be removed from nationwide public libraries or have its distribution limited, so the controversy didn’t end there.

‘Welcome to Sex’ has been approved in the Young Adult category of the esteemed honors, despite the contentious debate.

The purpose of the Prime Minister’s Literary Awards is to recognize the contribution Australian literature has made to the development of the country’s intellectual and cultural landscape. Since 2023, Creative Australia has been in charge of the awards.

There were 533 submissions in six categories for this year’s competition. Each shortlisted entry received $5,000, while the category winners receiving $80,000. The winners split a $600,000 prize pool.

When are we going to stand up for the children? We all place ourselves in danger to one degree or another when we stand up but we place our children and grandchildren in even greater danger when we don’t.

Let us keep on confusing the children, innocent beings whose souls are still pure. Let us infiltrate and corrupt their souls so that they are confused about their gender. There are only two genders, which are male and female and any sexual lifestyle outside of that between a male and a female is a crime. But yeah, we will have children growing up saying that they do not identify within a gender. They are just them because they are their own special creation. They will tell you they are neither male nor female and can engage in any sexual activity with whoever they want to.

Let us keep on exposing children to porn and LGBTIQA+-P acts. The LGBTQ agenda was made to push anything that is unsacred. The ultimate end goal is paedophilia. Everything being perpetrated towards children is being done for degenerative purpose, while grooming children.

This is abuse of children when children should be carefree. But they are having their days turned into a living nightmare. We are turning the innocent light of their soul into darkness.

We will have future generations which float somewhere in between, somewhere on the spectrum of this evil, filthy agenda which is corrupting to the core our children, souls who are pure but who do not deserve us anymore.

Children are the prey and the fallen victims for all this. We need to be in the way and save the children.

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