We went from ‘there are only two genders’ to ‘that’s a XY female hybrid’ after a one punch of boxing match – the masses

Once upon a time, not long ago, it was simple to understand who is a woman and who is a man. And whatever the Woke say, God made a man and a woman. You are either one or the other. The Woke community needs removing from society.

The scripted Olympics script is meant to trigger you and to remove your focus from what is truly going on. All you have to do is disengage because all the world is a stage. With such a script, the media managed to invert this in this age of inversion and subversion. The whole world has become a second Thailand and now people don’t know who is a woman and a man anymore, even though the truth is staring them in the face but they are allowing the media to trick them and do the thinking for them while their common sense was thrown out of the window.

The masses should stop being dim witted flogs. Imane is a man. Are they so dumped down not to see the truth staring them in the face?

Just look at the “I identify myself as a woman” body. He is a man.

The truth is often revealed by the motivation behind the action. Ah no, they say. They say that you should do the research because research [i.e. the mainstream media] told them that he is not a man but a person born with both genitalia and retained the female parts, but he has XY chromosomes, but he is still a woman. You cannot even make this shit up, not even if you try.

If this is going to be part of the New World Order, with the LGBTIQA+ boasting and flaunting their queerness in their parades, and that they are different from the rest, then in sport tournaments we should start having three categories: Men, Women and Whatever the rest are. But President Macron definitely won’t agree:

Find someone in life who looks at you the way Macron did with Imane in 2022.

And the masses are still missing the whole point. If they want to believe that Imane is a woman, and tag along with this big fat lie, then anyone born a woman with high testosterone levels which are over the acceptable limits of competition, just like is the case with doping, then that person must compete as a man until they have their own forum of competition open to them. Imane did not belong in a boxing ring fighting women, beating them to a pulp.

And the masses are still missing the whole point. Because in all this LGBTQ agenda, they cannot understand that it is the value of the human being which is being abused. The whole scripted script of the Olympics has been politicised against humanity. The purpose – the right to be a human – should be our focus here. This is not about human rights, but the right to be a human and to find out about this purpose, human beings must go back to their origin, and you find this origin in Genesis 1:1 – “In the beginning, Elohim created the heavens and the earths.” God created us male and female.

How rightly does the saying by G.K. Chesterton fits in here: “We shall soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four, in which furious party cries will be raised against anybody who says that cows have horns, in which people will persecute the heresy of calling a triangle a three-sided figure, and hang a man for maddening mob with the news that grass is green.”

How truly sad it is that this time round, the confusing strategy of the media led even those people who are very good at seeing both sides of any argument astray. Because the media made it tricky this time. And since the media usually lies, the people didn’t believe it when it continuously reported that Imane is biologically male. But once it gave them the opposing scripted planned narrative showing them childhood photos of Imane [assuming that such photos show Imane as a child] then people opted to believe this lie which the media gave them as counter-response to the truth which it originally gave them in the first place that Imane is a biological male.

How said it is that instead of joining forces with a mass complaint and expression of disapproval, the masses are defending Imane saying that he is a woman. All those defending Imane, are either bots or just plain nuts. This was another case which shows that some people are so plugged to the system, and are so inured, and so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

We can continue to confirm that the Elites can turn people against each other so easily, showing that they don’t have love for anyone, including the women they claim to protect. Truly, they hate everyone and use everyone for their ulterior motives as and when they see fit. But they hate women more than anyone else.

How sad it is that this time, the corporate media managed to trick many with its false flags and manufactured controversies. The media directed and again, the consumption of false news choked those who fell for the trick. How easily can people get programmed to believe a lie, when people should be trusting the logic, the wisdom, the intuition and the good old fashioned common sense!

How sad it is that this time, the media managed to make the world shift from people hollering ‘There’s only two genders’ to ‘that’s a XY female hybrid’ after a one punch of boxing match! It seems like we have another ongoing operation while the bread and circus show continues.

The truth is staring you in the face.
His gestures, his long arms, his broad shoulders, he punches like a man – he is definitely a man!

The world shifted from people hollering ‘There’s only two genders’ to ‘that’s a XY female hybrid’ after a one punch of boxing match! It seems like we have another ongoing operation while the bread and circus show continues.

Only the weakest of males want to physically compete with women. Only the weakest of intellect celebrate them.

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