The violence of the law in cahoots with the Government’s Eyes is now turning against landlords

The attack was clear from the start. The local media started a slow attack on landlords until we get to this:

Why is there this attack? Because the media is the guru for the multiculturalism and cultural enrichment agenda.

“The police have said they are investigating a rental property advert that warned against applications from ‘Pakis, Indians, Arabs and Philippines’.”

The advertisement avoided using flimsy justifications and was sincere. Because certain nationalities are notorious for the terrible manner they treat and leave the property rented out to them, including the destruction and filth they leave behind, the landlord has every right to defend his property.

“Prominent human rights lawyer, Neil Falzon, said restricting housing based on skin colour or nationality was illegal, calling Maltese law ‘crystal clear on the matter.” Lawyer Neil Falzon should read my first-hand experience as a former estate agent about the true reasons why landlords refuse to rent to a cohort of people which does not turn them into law breakers! But in this country it seems that facts and truth do not pass through the ear drums so that they get stuck somewhere along the grey matter! Imma l-aqwa l-human rights lawyers! They should be called “multicultural and cultural enriching” lawyers! In the meantime, no lawyer has ever spoken about the fact that there is no human rights office or unit for the Maltese people.

“A police spokesperson confirmed an investigation into the incident was ‘underway’ but did not provide further details.” Pajjiż iktar tad-daħk u tal-biki u tad-dwejjaq fl-istess ħin mhawnx! Why are they investigating? As I already wrote, a landlord is free to rent to whoever he wants to because it is his property and he is the one who is faced with the damage, the filth and the lack of cleanliness that these tenants leave, including the smell of curry.

But then they failed to investigate a murderer who killed Nicolette Ghirxi and whom they shot while he held a fake pistol! And they failed to protect each and every woman who filed harassment reports against their perpetrators! And they also failed to investigate the Vitals Scandal and so much more.

And there is another important factor which we must not forget.

Did Times of Malta come out defending Maltese people when they were and still are being refused rentals? Do we have any “Maltese rights” lawyer defending them?

Did Times of Malta come out defending the reality that Maltese people are finding it very hard to rent with such expensive rental prices but which Pakis, Indians, Arabs and Philippines afford on the other hand?

Did you ever see an article of Times of Malta when Maltese were discriminated? No, we never did. Because TOM is just another propaganda machine of the Woke, of the political puppets and their puppeteers and of all current agendas. TOM has turned against the people of its own country. TOM is just another pro-left reporting and it has become so pathetic. It should start seeing to change its name from “Times of Malta” to “Times of Anything but Malta” or “Times of Agendas, Propaganda and Narratives” or “Times of Pathetic Reporting.”

Times of Malta is creating conflict. It is escalating the tension between the Maltese people and foreigners living here.

Did the police ever investigate when Maltese were being refused rentals? We have had years and years, and still have, discrimination against the Maltese people and yet the police, the government’s eyes, have closed an eye. Never said anything. Never did anything. But don’t you dare touch the invaders or else they will make your head spin. But it is fine for the Communists to see to the extinction of the Maltese people from their land. Enjoy the fruits of your votes, dear Maltese Joe[s] and Jane[s] Doe. Don’t forget to vote again like you usually do. Keep voting for the two parties that are traitors to you, your children, and your country. Keep on voting for the two parties which have turned against you. In the meantime you grumble on social media about local overpopulation, about all the foreigners here, and then when the election comes, go back to the queue with enthusiasm to cast your votes. Vote again for the wolves that are coming to you in sheep’s clothing. I don’t know if you deserve better than this, honestly, because these two parties are what made you become tame, a coward, and screwed while you thank them wholeheartedly for screwing you.

As for the landlords, my advice is the following. Be wise as serpents but innocent as doves. If the Communists will come up with some kind of stupid action to control to whom you rent your property, each time you have a possible tenant visiting your property whom you do not want to rent it to [listen to your gut feeling. First feeling you get, is always correct.], instead of refusing them immediately, you can always say something like “I just had a possible tenant visiting before you who looked very interested in the place and who will confirm via a call later. I will let you [or the estate agent] know when I have an answer.” Then, you know what the answer you will give will be.

Since Communism is coming with this bullshit, it is time that landlords, yes, take the matters in their hands and go round this bullshit with wisdom, while on display, they are as innocent as doves.

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