The unprecedented release of criminals during Covid-19 in other countries, as ordered by the WHO and the UN agencies!

It wasn’t only America which released criminals from its prisons during Covid-19. Other countries did too which amount to a total of more than one million.

The fault, again, was of the boogey virus. According to the portal The Conversation, “by March 2021, an estimated 527,000 prisoners globally had contracted the virus.”

And then we get the usual problem-reaction-solution. Their solution, of course. The problem is the overcrowding of prisons. The reaction is the lack of space. The solution is to release them and blame this release on a boogey virus.

Doesn’t the safety of the majority apply here?

According to The Conversation, prisoners were not “prioritized when it come to accessing personal protective equipment or vaccines during the pandemic.” First of all, the ‘astronaut protective gear’ should have been given to all those families visiting their loved ones who were put on a death row on the ventilator so that they could be close to their loved ones. When it comes to vaccines, the experiment had to be carried out on removing the ‘useless eaters’ and the elderly first. Criminals, who are the lower psychopaths, are not only to be protected, but released!

Who gave the orders for the prisoners’ release? The World Health Organisation and the United Nations agencies of course. They “issued a statement in May 2020 calling on governments around the world to release prisoners who were ‘at particular risk of COVID-19’ and those who ‘could be released without compromising public safety.'” Yeah. Release criminals but make the communities swallow the lie that they will be safe. Aren’t prisoners imprisoned so that communities are safe from whatever crime they caused, endangering individuals? Were they done the bogus PCR test before they were released? Or the floor stickers’ walk doesn’t apply here?

But according to research, public safety is not undermined. The research cited by The Conversation is that done by ACLU which is yet another set up organisation which talks of preserving and defending individual human rights. It stands for “American Civil Liberties Union.” Don’t forget to give them a donation – the box which pops up the minute you visit their website. These are the civil societies fraud which are part of the current evil agendas and who obey orders of the U.N. WHO Director General Tedros is on record calling all governments, partners, civil society, and youth organizations to support the WHO agreement and speak out against truthers.

Which were the countries which released prisoners, apart from America?

“Since the start of the pandemic, over a million prisoners have reportedly been released worldwide. The largest-scale releases, according to Penal Reform International, have been reported in Turkey (more than 114,000 prisoners), Iran (104,000), the Philippines (82,000), India (68,000), Iraq (62,000) and Ethiopia (40,000).”

“Some European countries, including France and Norway, reportedly released more than 15 per cent of their prison populations. Jordan released 30 per cent, Penal Reform International statistics show.”

“In Canada, prisoners were freed across the country during the first wave, mainly from provincial jails, including the release of 2,300 prisoners in Ontario by April 2020.”

In Thailand, prisoners were sent to work in factories.

This is unprecedented. While governments throughout history have granted prisoners early release en masse, including during pandemics or in pursuit of various political agendas, it has never happened on such a large scale.”

But according to propaganda of The Conversation, this was not only not enough, but “for many prisoners, being released did not lead to freedom. Globally, an estimated 42 per cent of prisoners were granted conditional releases. Some were released temporarily, including in Iran.”

“In the U.S., some of the approximately 23,000 prisoners released to home confinement — which is itself a restriction on one’s freedom — may be sent back to prison after receiving vaccinations.”

This media must also explain why its front picture contains dark-skinned women and children. Isn’t this the usual modus operandi of using women to gain sympathy from the public? Did it pick Africans to merge poverty with prisons so that the sympathy button is pressed harder?

The media is truly suffering from a psychopathy of the highest order in the hierarchy of psychopaths.

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