The UN Migration Pact is a document so that nations are screwed

“On 19 September 2016 Heads of State and Government came together for the first time ever at the global level within the UN General Assembly to discuss issues related to migration and refugees. This sent a powerful political message that migration and refugee matters had become major issues squarely in the international agenda.”

The United Nations Migration Pact or ‘The Global Compact for Migration’ is a catastrophe, just like everything that the U.N. does. It is propelling global migration which is rooted in Islamic tradition. It seems to me that the Islamic world believes it’s our turn in the West to take on the load that they believe they’ve been carrying when it comes to mass forced migration.

In the West we are enduring a migrant invasion. It’s happening in Europe, the US and Canada as many are fleeing to live a better life. We are being expected to tolerate it, even though services are being depleted for tax paying citizens. Of course this has become a source of resentment. How could it not? Migrants housed at hotels, given budgets for food and even provided healthcare. This while some citizens are being left homeless.

In all countries that are being invaded by migration, the population that is growing is because of illegal and legal migration and not because young people are settling down and building a family. This is the Great Replacement and it’s not a far-right conspiracy theory, as some MSM wants you to believe. It is your Leftist government which has signed this pact, which I will tackle in another piece and what you are seeing physically unfolding before your eyes is this pact. The UN Replacement Migration is happening before your very eyes.

Maybe instead of Replacement, which is the word used in the UN’s document from 2000, you might want to use Displacement as a more appropriate term. This is how countries are being overthrown by others and the indigenous population reduced and assimilated in the new. And it is not something new. You just need to look at the Commonwealth countries and the displacement of their original habitants.

This pact sells woke nonsense, among other nonsense. Did you know the UN Migration Pact criminalizes criticism of immigration as “hate speech” (thought crime)? You likely don’t. You should research that and then research how that came to be. As a member nation of this globalist communist cartel we are subject to it. The pact’s objective 17 includes a commitment to ‘promote an open and evidence-based public discourse on migration and migrants in partnership with all parts of society, that generates a more realistic, humane and constructive perception in this regard.’ This means that the UN Migration Pact wants to teach all how to speak the ‘careful language on migration’; in other words, the UN wants to program society how to think and speak in politically-correct, pro-migration terms. If you think you are cute or polite by adhering to “politically correct speech” (as “free men” you have to think about that phrase) and discourse, you are not. You are promulgating the aspirations of evil men who seek to destroy society for their gain.

The UN Migration Pact, formally known as the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration (GCM), is an international agreement that was adopted in December 2018. It is not a legally binding treaty, but rather a cooperative framework that outlines a set of principles and objectives aimed at improving the management of migration globally. The pact was developed in response to the large-scale migration crises of the mid-2010s and aims to address the challenges and opportunities that migration presents.

The Key points of the UN Migration Pact are:

1. Non-Binding Framework: The GCM is voluntary, meaning it does not impose legal obligations on the countries that sign it. However, it encourages countries to align their national policies with the principles outlined in the pact.

2. Objectives: The pact outlines 23 objectives, which include promoting legal migration, protecting the human rights of migrants, combating human trafficking, and addressing the root causes of migration, such as poverty and conflict.

3. Respect for National Sovereignty: Although the pact encourages international cooperation on migration issues, it asserts that each country has the right to determine its own migration policies and manage its borders.

In a nutshell, its key points can be summarised to: migration is a human right; countries must promote the cultures of these migrants, and promote diversity to its citizens; countries must help inform the migrants so they best can choose which country to migrate to, by means of a website etc; counties must sensitize and educate media professionals on migration-related issue and stop public funding to outlets that promote so-called ‘intolerance;’ countries must work to eliminate all forms of counter expressions to this mass immigration; newly arrived migrants in Europe should have the same rights to education and the labour market as native Europeans. THESE ARE REASONS TO WHICH NO POLITICIAN IN HIS RIGHT MIND SHOULD HAVE SIGNED THIS PACT!

Criticism and Concerns are:

– Erosion of Sovereignty: Critics argue that while the pact is non-binding, it creates pressure on countries to conform to international norms, potentially eroding national sovereignty over immigration policies.

– Encouragement of Mass Migration: Some fear that the pact’s emphasis on facilitating migration could encourage more people to migrate, putting additional strain on countries’ resources and social systems.

– Impact on Security and Economy: Concerns have been raised that the pact could lead to increased migration flows, which might impact national security, job markets, and social cohesion, especially in countries already struggling with these issues.

Global Governance: Supporters of the pact argue that it represents a necessary step towards managing global migration in a humane and organized way, particularly as migration is a complex, global issue that no single country can handle alone. However, opponents see it as a move towards global governance, where international bodies like the UN have greater influence over national policies.

The UN Migration Pact raises several concerns.

– Sovereignty and Security: There’s a strong belief in the importance of protecting national borders and maintaining control over who enters the country. The idea that international agreements might influence a country’s policy is seen as a threat to the nation’s sovereignty.

– Cultural and Religious Values: With the potential increase in migration, there is concern that Christian values could be diluted or undermined by an influx of people from diverse backgrounds with different beliefs and practices.

– Economic and Social Impact: The potential strain on the economy, job market, and social services due to increased migration is also a concern, especially when many Americans are already struggling.

In summary, while the UN Migration Pact aims to create a more organized and humane approach to global migration, it also raises significant concerns about national sovereignty, security, and the preservation of Christian values.

In addition, what people aren’t seeing is that not only is there a UN Migration Pact, but that this Pact is embedded within the sustainable development goals of UN Agenda 2030. The responsibility for all of this lies clearly on the shoulders of the United Nations and our respective governments that have provided their binding agreement.

What bothers me more than anything is the fact that the media and even the alternative media is ignoring this binding agreement, overlooking the causative factor of it all. Instead of leveling with the people to tell them exactly what’s on, all of them are participating in leaving UN Agenda 2030 out of the equation when it’s the entire motivation.

Multiculturalism is a plan. It is an agenda. If they ever wanted to stop the boats, they would have investigated the purchase of boats.

It is the word salad unscrambled for all this is ETHNOCIDE approved by the signatures of the smug faces of the EU sellouts, WEF boys and traitors. Your government.

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