The system is failing men. The propaganda is damaging men. The High Rates of Suicide amongst men

The propaganda hammers on “women empowerment” and “women’s rights” and “the definition of a woman” which is all part of the damage control. On the other hand, men are either forgotten or are shown in a bad light.

Studies indicate that although women are more likely to have suicidal thoughts and are more likely to attempt suicide, men are more likely to die by suicide.

In the Western world, there is a greater male frequency in suicide deaths than in that of the female. Males die by suicide three to four times more often than females do. Suicide attempts are between two and four times more frequent among females.

In 2019, the global age-standardized suicide rate was higher in males (12.6 per 100 000) than in females (5.4 per 100 000). While for females, the highest rates in countries were above 10 per 100 000, for males they were above 45 per 100 000. [WHO Global Health Estimates 2000-2019].

Globally, the age-standardized suicide rate was 2.3 times higher in males than in females in 2019. Male:female (M:F) suicide ratios greater than 1 indicated that suicide rates are higher in males than in females. While the ratio was a little over 3 in high-income countries, it was lower in low- and middle-income countries (low-income countries: 2.9; lower-middle-income countries: 1.8; upper-middle-income countries: 2.6)

According to the 2023 European Union Synthesis Report, suicide rates are almost four times higher in men compared to women at the EU level.

There is no easy way to answer this issue because there are many possible causes of suicide, especially in light of the fact that women are more likely than males to be diagnosed with depression, according to research.

Men may not report depression as much as they should since they are less inclined to ask for help because the structured society has taught them that they are machos, tough and for them to show emotions implies weakness. Male mental health is still stigmatized, and it is still believed that males shouldn’t show their feelings. Society has failed men and is still failing them.

This rotting society also teaches a self-directed life which just produces carnal and natural men. Where is a society that helps in the blooming of a spiritual man who is made of a body with healthy actions and a healthy lifestyle; a soul with emotions, reasoning, and will; and a spirit which is connected to God instead to this world, materialism, and the love of money which is the root of all evil?

Men are less likely to seek help when they need it, because the system taught them that seeking help shows that they are incapable of sorting things by themselves, as strong men should do.

Very little progress is being made in a rotten system which is deliberately rotting humanity instead of preaching a healing collective. I give you a concrete example. This is a society which teaches sex instead of love. But if it talks of love, it forgets to teach bondedness. Love can happen in a split second but bondedness does not and this is something that the collective must be taught. Bondedness takes time and it is learnt in a hard way. Love is the first few lines of the first chapter of the book.

We need to write our future chapters by writing about our traumas and scars, cleaning up our emotional baggage, developing our connection potential, learning genuine communication, and growing up inside. We must continue to write chapters upon chapters honing our capacity to encounter love with an authentic heart. This is our fearful yet delightful opus of opening, the work of a lifetime.

It might look like a large and daunting task, but we must start living in a society of collective healing where reaching out to men and supporting men in our lives become also part of this healing process.

So, I conclude by repeating what I wrote in another piece. Hence, it is up for us humans to change humanity’s path. Because the energy must be focused on where the power goes – and that is you, because you are powerful and they fear the day you discover it. Whereas the past generations shoved traumas under the carpet, without ever looking back, we now need to recognise that the world is riddled with victims and there is trauma everywhere. The more we deny it, belittle it, diminish it, bury it, the more we fail to co-create together a more humane world. Instead of normalising the repression of traumas, we must co-create a world that invites every trauma survivor to share their story fully, without shame and without collective shaming. This is honest, naked vulnerability where the real healing lies for both genders. In this manifestation, others will come forth for self-revealing too, generating a collective healing.

Most importantly, this will generate changes – relationally, societally, culturally, and legally – that minimize future traumas which might manifest in suicides too.

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