The spirit that has been sweeping the world is that of the false prophet – Wokeism

The final idea is that of wokeism – the idea of ‘social justice’. Such another big fat lie but this is the way lies are sold to you, you see. Wokeism comes to you as ‘social justice.’

“Woke is a political slang adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) originally meaning alertness to racial prejudice and discrimination. Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial injustice, sexism, and denial of LGBT rights”.

And so we get the ‘Black Lives Matter’ and so forth and the idea that if you’re of a certain colour, then you’re a hater of people that have a different skin colour. This is nothing else than the dissemination of hate. Such a false concept.

It’s a lie that people of certain skin colour were always haters of people of another colour. What is also grievous is that this has been disseminated into politics.

And the Woke Movement is spreading this concept.

Dear readers, the conclusion of this whole series is that the merging of all those ideas is preparing us for the coming of two men: the False Prophet and the Anti-Christ. Wherever there’s a truth, there’s a lie. Wherever there’s something real, there’s something fake or counterfeit. The False Prophet and the Anti-Christ are drawing very close the more time passes. It might be difficult for us to discern between the two but the preparation is taking place right now.

The spirit of the Anti-Christ is in the world. True, the world has witnessed many false prophets and many anti-Christs but we are living in unique, unprecedented times because this is the consolidation of their plan, where the trinity of evil will rise – the beast, the anti-Christ and the second beast, the false prophet, all powered by the Dragon.

[1 John 2:18 – Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.]

Every single bit of chaos is being created on purpose.

The world we live in has been shaped for us so that we are now in this stage. Let us all be alert because things are changing so rapidly with so much counter-intelligence, false flags, psyops, counter psyops, inside jobs, left/right paradigms, controlled opposition, misinformation and disinformation going on, that we need God’s discernment to be able to filter it all and witness the end of the world as we know it but I am very hopeful that we will awaken to a new world, which is not the world they have shaped and are shaping for us but a new world which will free humanity.

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