The spirit that has been sweeping the world is that of the false prophet – Transhumanism

Transhumanism – another topic often mentioned by Schwab. Transhumanism is connected to technocracy and what can be called as technocentrism.

This is now pervading our society from Silicon Valley, the development of the computer, the concept of the internet which has become pervasive and intrusive.

It’s the transhuman age. Not even the smartphone is needed anymore. Everything is being downloaded in the completed brain of computerization. The man and the computer will become one. Iron will be mixed with clay. We have another merging, you see?

And so, we will not be in the image of God anymore. But we will be made gods of earth, in Satan’s image. So, once everything starts being downloaded in your brains, you will become a fountain of knowledge which will take us back to rationalism and intellectualism, you see.

And so, from humans who were created in such a beautiful way that there is nothing that they cannot achieve, they will become iron bots. From masters to slaves. This is the transhuman agenda, which Elon Musk is behind. This is the idea of merging biology with technology according to the plan of the technocrats.

Didn’t Yuval Noah Harari state: “The most important thing to know about the future is that humans will soon be hackable animals. The Elite have the power to re-engineer the future of life itself. Science is replacing evolution by natural selection with evolution by intelligent design. Not the intelligent design of some God above the clouds, but our intelligent design.”

This is their plan. You will live in a smart city, work in a smart workplace, because everything becomes smart and that includes the internet. What do you think they mean by smart? It’s the internet of bodies, the internet of things where everything is tracked, traced and monitored.

This is their plan – merging men and machine. And you have been prepared for this in films through predictive programming. Why do you think we had a lot of films about bionic men and women?

Transhumanism and its agenda are part of the spirit of the false prophet which has been sweeping the world.

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