The spirit that has been sweeping the world is that of the false prophet – New Communism

Utilitarianism takes us to New Communism. New Communism is also attached to Stakeholder Capitalism.

Again, it’s all about trusting the State but this time it’s all about information. How do the Communists operate in order to get you to comply? Isn’t it through propaganda?

How does propaganda work? It works in a way that doesn’t make you understand what is really happening and what is really going on. So they present two things to you: misinformation and disinformation. At times it gets to the point where it is very difficult to differentiate and discern between these two but please note, that Communist states have always operated in this way.

Look at the way the Soviet Union has operated for example. It had a newspaper called Pravda which was basically lies from start to end. This is happening again today in the media. What’s worse, people will just read the headlines and take that headline as the absolute truth without realising, or perhaps realizing, that that particular media portal which they like has a liberal bent, or a conservative bent. But what is truly happening at the moment is that they have become one and the same and they are just following the line that they are ordered to.

So, in New Communism, the State provides everything for you. So the State fills your mind with the propaganda and it also holds you financially since the State provides your finances. During Covid-19 for example, those who worked in hotels were sustained by the State. If you are unemployed, you are sustained by the State. Educators’ sectoral agreements depend on the State. Salaries of some sectors depend on the State. How many resources does the State have? Are they endless? Can it just provide and provide? Because money can be printed at the printing press.

But of course you must pay back. But you are not told this and the masses are being led onto the path of this New Communism by the people who are on its side. The masses are being operated upon inside this system, inside this matrix. They think that the State, this Big State with endless resources, is being good to them and providing for them.

And the propaganda machine will churn up all this and anything that they want you to hear, and believe while moulding your behaviour, whether it’s of division, of obedience or anything that can keep you trapped inside this system, inside this matrix.

So, you will get to a place where you will believe everything the government says; where you trust the science; where you believe their ideas; and you just tag along. We are past the Truth. We are in the post-Truth era.

What is different in New Communism? The merging. The ongoing merging between one particular religion and another [rationalism, environmentalism, scientism, safetyism]. What about if we start to throw aside all these shackles? What about if we un-cultivate our cultivated minds?

We are being bombarded from all sides.

Truth is not relative. But if we walk with God, we get to see the Truth in all its forms because Truth is not relative. It is not a matter of what you think Truth is or what you perceive Truth to be.

It is either the Truth or a Lie. There are no grey areas in between.

New Communism is another part of the spirit of the false prophet which has been sweeping the whole world.

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