The Snowflake Generation

The Snowflake Generation. A generation that is fearful and afraid of everything. Because it has been programmed so. It has been programmed to live in a fearful vibration so it is obedient, since fear is a weapon that can be used for mind-control.

The Snowflake Generation. A generation that has been bred not to have the psychological or moral resources to defy an authority’s order, no matter how illegitimate the order is. The Snowflake Generation does not have critical thinking capacity.

The Snowflake Generation. A generation that is destroying the world by being content to watch those who do evil without doing anything.

The Snowflake Generation. The world has gone ridiculously soft. We are breeding a generation who is encouraged to think that there is no such thing as a loss. In schools you can’t not win. So you get a participation prize. Everyone is a winner. The real world is far unlike that. It is about winning and losing, standing and falling. You have to go through failure to be good, and to learn.

The Snowflake Generation. When kids are made to think that they win all the time, we are creating a snowflake generation. They hate being called snowflakes but it is what they are. They hate everything. They are frightened by everything. And they are offended by everything. Anxiety rates are going through the roof. The reason is that they’ve had it so easy. Let’s be completely clear about life today.

The Snowflake Generation was taught in schools that if it sits and is quiet, while it repeats what it is taught without questioning, a better life would arrive. Then the organized ambush of 2020 came, when doing what you were told and repeating without question could cost you your life. It was such a well-laid trap.

While the Snowflake Generation spends hours on its phone, tablet, computer and play station, the Elite seek violence by charging the crowd; the Elite seek violence by taking away our freedom and our rights; the Elite seek violence because the Snowflake Generation is too scared to fight back.

The Snowflake Generation is not outraged because it is not paying attention. It has fallen for the biggest propaganda drive of all time and it’s been embarrassing to watch. The Snowflake Generation blindly follows along and this is disturbing. It is an apathetic, uninterested generation that couldn’t care less which is even more disturbing.

The Snowflake Generation just keeps quiet. It says and does nothing for fear of the consequences. It hopes that evil will pass, or that someone will speak up and change things for them. Someone to save them.

The Snowflake Generation. A generation that is happy being a slave with whom you can’t argue because it doesn’t even acknowledge its shackles.

And then there are Truthers.

Truthers lean into their fear and discomfort, question things, challenge things, and don’t blindly believe and swallow what they are told. This turns out to be a path of isolation but an informed citizen will always be the biggest threat to the system. Those with knowledge are feared. Those without knowledge are controlled.

Cheers to all those who dodged the biggest psyop of all time.

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