The signing of the Lisbon Treaty – the PN is a traitor of the Maltese nation

PN betrayed our country when it signed the Lisbon Treaty, while the PL signed the UN Migration Pact. I will tackle this in another piece. In doing so, each surrendered the sovereignty and independence of Malta to the Marxist EU autocracy. Now, both are planning to continue doing the same, with the PL in government and the PN guiding from behind the scenes, without a mandate from the Maltese people. This is another betrayal.

But the Maltese masses cannot fully grasp the implications and the dangers of all this because they treat the party’s leaders as almighty, holy and infallible gods. This country’s leaders and parties are professional scoundrels who adhere to the demonic agenda of the tribe of Cain in Brussels.

The Treaty of Lisbon [or Reform Treaty] was signed in the presence of EP President Hans-Gert Pöttering on 13 December 2007, following a proclamation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in Parliament by the presidents of the European Parliament, the Commission and the Council. It was signed by the PN with Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi at the helm and Foreign Minister Michael Frendo.

Here are Gonzi and Frendo all smiles and hand shaking after signing the Screwing of the Maltese Nation in the ceremony in Portugal.

The Lisbon Treaty enhances European Parliament’s powers as a fully recognised co-legislator with increased budgetary powers.

The Lisbon Treaty increased the powers of the European Parliament with:

  • New legislative powers. The Lisbon Treaty extended Parliament’s legislative powers to more than 40 new fields and made it a lawmaker at the same level as the Council.
  • International agreements.
  • Budgetary powers.
  • Citizens initiative.

Opponents of the Treaty of Lisbon, such as former Danish Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Jens-Peter Bonde, argued that it would centralize the EU, and weaken democracy by “moving power away” from national electorates. Hence the Lisbon Treaty gave us the famous centralization of power – a tower of Babel.

While the Lisbon Treaty may have granted the European Parliament significant powers, it’s essential to critically assess the impact. The allocation of funds to specific programs is tight with agendas. Money is not given freely out of kindness. There is always the ‘if’ and ‘what will be given back.’ For those who praise the EU, let’s not overlook the ongoing challenges of democratic representation within the EU institutions. It’s crucial to scrutinize how these decisions truly reflect the diverse interests and concerns of European citizens.

We are now going through the consequences of this centralised power of the EU.

What is in the Lisbon Treaty that came into force in 2020?

Malta, along with all existing members of the EU, lost heir abstention veto in 2020 as laid down in the Lisbon Treaty when the system changed to that of majority acceptance with no abstentions or veto’s being allowed.

All member nations became states of the new federal nation of the EU by 2022 as clearly laid out in the Lisbon treaty with no exceptions or veto’s.

The EU Parliament and ECJ became supreme over all legislative bodies in Malta.

Malta has to adopt 100% of whatever the EU Parliament and ECJ lays down without any means of abstention or veto, negating the need for Malta to have a Parliament as we know it today.

Malta is NOT able to make its own trade deals.

Malta is NOT able to set its own trade tariffs.

Malta is NOT able to set its own trade quotas.

Malta loses control of its fishing rights

Malta loses control of its oil and gas rights

Malta loses control as clearly laid down in the Lisbon treaty

Malta loses control of its planning legislation

Malta loses control of its armed forces

Malta loses full control of its taxation policy

Malta loses the ability to create its own laws and to implement them

Malta loses control of its judicial system

Malta loses control of its international policy

Malta loses full control of its national policy

Malta loses its right to call itself a nation in its own right.

Malta loses control of its Aviation and Sea lane jurisdiction

Malta’s contribution to the EU is set to increase, considerably

The PN is just another political traitor of our country.

Lawrence Gonzi, who is still ‘giving advice’ these days, betrayed our country and its people.

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