The reality of the Plebeian Doe

The whole world is under a spell.

The plebs need to wake up.

They work eight hours to live four.

They work six days a week to enjoy one day off.

They work eight hours to eat in thirty minutes.

They work eight hours to sleep seven.

They work all their lives to pay a loan for a house in which they hardly spend time in.

They work all their lives to pay a loan for a house until they reach pension age. After they have paid it, they calculate that with interest rates, their house has costed them three or more times the price they bought it.

They work all year just to take a week or two vacation. Vacation photos and vacation selfies will do the happiness trick.

They work all their lives to retire in old age, and contemplate only their last breaths.

They are trauma bonded to their government, thinking that their abusive government is doing the right thing while they aren’t and that the government is and will continue to take care of them. This is trauma.

They are the Plebeian Does. They grew up transforming themselves into a creation of the State. A dead entity, under codes and acts. They became a government jurisdiction. A slave. A public entity, possessed by an entity, which turned them into fiction.

You are attached to the illusion.

Start down the path of awakening.

Eventually, we must realize that we are either going to remain sitting helpless in a corner, or we are going to wake up and start dealing with this imposed reality on us.

Eventually, we must realize that life is nothing but a parody of ourselves practising our own oblivion.

Eventually, we must realize that we have become so accustomed to material and social slavery that we no longer see the chains that hold us down.

We must realize that one of the biggest scam in life is paying taxes on money you make; taxes on money you spend; and taxes on things you own, that you already paid taxes on, with already taxed money.

We must turn ourselves into a natural, organic, pharmaceutical-free human beings.

The way forward is liberation.

The way forward is to realize that we are the Creation of the Divine, of God; that we are living breathing beings; that we are under a divine law and a divine jurisdiction; that we are to be free because we should be free; that we are private; that we are non-fiction, and that we are guided by the Holy Spirit.

We were not born to play the game. We were born to change it.

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