The progressive message sent to women: No matter what you do, men will always be better than you, including that of “being a woman”!

Paris has put the final nail in the Olympics coffin. Times of Malta steps in to help hammering this final nail. Its article’s headline says “Watch: Algerian boxer in Olympic gender row wins in 46 seconds as Italian opponent pulls out.” No referencing at all that he is a man [This will be discussed in another piece]. Dear TOM, the Algerian boxer DID NOT WIN anything! He is a man who competed in women’s division and the Italian decided to take care of her health and herself and stopped.

The Italian boxer Angela Carini, a biological and real woman, who trained for years to box at the Olympics, was forced to contend with a biological male. Carini is an athlete who trained her entire life to become an Olympic contender, all to be faced with a man in the ring.

After only 45 seconds, she quits and cries when her opponent wins the match. The fact that this is now at the Olympic level illustrates how rapidly the world is collapsing.

A man wins a medal for hitting a woman. Let me put the matters straight. For me boxing is not a sport. I see it as a human punching and hitting another human. It is violence. For the sake of the article, the focus is on yet another evil agenda. The boxer in red is a man, whatever everyone else says and whatever he says.

Why did Carini have to face a man in the Olympics ring? Wasn’t Imane Khelif disqualified from the 2023 World Cup because he pretends to be a woman? But the Olympics have a different regulation and so he was able to compete. Take your time to inhale the absurdity: “Everyone competing in the women’s category… is complying with competition eligibility rules. They are women in their passports and it’s stated in there that they are female.” Without forgetting the issue that this is not fair play, and that we need to redefine fairness in sport, this is the result of allowing lies on official documents. The fact that this issue even needs to be debated shows how far we’ve strayed. Everyone’s more focused on individual attention and pity rather than maintaining fairness and truth-seeking. This has led us to a point which is not over.

What about having three categories from now on? Men, Women, Whatever all the rest are…

A topsy turvy world. Il mondo al contrario. Furthermore, our corrupted culture not only permits him to hit women but actively encourages it, and celebrates it, even! Le monde à l’envers à Paris.

This is absolutely disgraceful, wrong, unfair, and diabolical on so many levels. This is normalising and casualising what is evil, illogical and unnatural.

It is comparable to an able bodied person competing in the para Olympics. Despite what retarded Woke propaganda spits onto our faces through the mainstream media, men and women are not the same.

How come trans men don’t qualify to compete against other men in combat sport? What’s good for the goose should be good for the gander! Or not? Biological males do not belong in any women’s sport and those who are allowing it to happen are mentally deranged.

No one is policing crazy out of control women. Apparently all a guy has to do is declare himself female and the problem is solved so then it’s no longer “violence against women” but just a “catfight.”

Somehow women always get the short end of the stick but then the liberal leftist woke in this patriarchy talk of “women empowerment” as if being a woman is a disease born powerless who needs empowering by the patriarchy. This is all a joke, including women’s rights. And while the misogynists are celebrating, stating that the Italian girl is just a looser that can’t take that she was not good enough and she should have stopped whining, the Western hypocritical feminists have their mouth zipped while they are trying helplessly to suck milk from their own tits. It is unbelievable what the world has come down to.

We should all stand in solidarity with the female Italian boxer who got legally punched up in the boxing ring at the worst Olympics in history run by the IOC, by another boxer who failed a gender eligibility test.

You are being told directly by the Elite to ignore the evidence that your eyes and ears have captured. It was the last and most important order they gave.

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