The murder of Nicolette Ghirxi – the useless laws, the rotten system, the media, and the Women’s Lobby

Another murder of a woman, whose former partner refused to accept that she is not his trophy and possession.

Unfortunately, this murder is being politicised.

Unfortunately, this murder is portraying women as the culprits. The media is now coming up with follow-up news like having the Social Services claiming that women of domestic violence have the right to refuse a risk-assessment despite filing a police report. In my opinion, risk-assessments should not be a choice. On the other hand, this continues to prove that this global communist system and this global communist world are one that continue to blame the victim in a society which victimizes victimhood while also teaching there are no victims but only choices and that everything we experience is a reflection of us. Every time something terrible happens to someone, this is the trend. Victimhood has been denied for centuries. Instead, it is shamed and its concept has not evolved. The New Cage “no victims” mantra is the new way that victimhood is being manifested. What the media is doing is victim-bashing.

So the media’s reporting is one that hints that Ghirxi is to be blamed because she had filed police reports against her former partner Edward William Johnston for harassment, but she refused a risk-assessment. So did the conference by the police hint.

Another proof that the system is created to fail – on purpose. It is a system in which softening the edges has become an impossible feat. The system is not protecting anyone. It is one built on clay without education, morality, spirituality, and healing properties. It is rotting and rotten from the inside.

The laws are useless despite that we have the useless unfit-for-purpose politicians passing one law after the next on the microphone in the city assemblage. These are the mediocre laws that communism is giving. These are artificial laws. These are man-made laws created by an unjust Maltese system but created in order to protect those who can benefit from the system and bring in the corporate fake money but real profit.

Times of Malta even made it a point to have “the experts” coming in. The more apt word here would have been “professionals.”

On the other hand, this murder is being used for the propaganda to show women as a species of some sort of weak disease that need protection, safety, and empowerment. This is dangerous propaganda, a propaganda that throughout the years, has managed to create the kind of women and the kind of men which have brought us to where we are today.

A general stream of thought by many is – If Johnston had other past standoffs with authorities, what was he doing running scotch free and what was he doing in our country? When Ghirxi filed reports against Johnston, didn’t the police have any clue about him? Any clue about what he had done back home? Shouldn’t the police have a database of some sort to assist them when it comes to foreign criminals?

Since the laws are not protecting us, and by us I mean both men and women, then it is time to take the matter in our hands. It is time to carry pepper spray in our bags and keep one at home despite the fact that it is illegal to purchase or carry it in Malta. I would rather be caught breaching the law than being put in a black bag and taken to the mortuary.

I had my share of very bad experiences with harassing men. Once I was running in Ta’ Qali, doing a short loop before I head to the gym. A man came out from behind a tree with his phallus showing and started playing with it. Please note that it was a busy part of the day albeit it was getting dark in one of those short days in Autumn. Another time I was walking my dogs in a busy area, full of shops. A Convenience outlet was still open and there was a group of young employees who had just come out of work, while waiting to be picked up. At one point, I saw this foreign man at the end of the pavement, lighting up a cigarette, looking at me in a nasty way. I immediately felt uncomfortable, and crossed the road to the other side. The man also crossed the road and started following me. I was almost peeing in my pants. Thankfully, hurrying my way down, an old man who lives in the area who had the habit to stop to say hi and pat my dogs whenever he met me, suddenly called my name and came over for the usual “hello” and “how are you” and pat my dogs. It was at this moment when this man who was stalking me crossed to the other side and disappeared round the corner.

Since the laws are not protecting anyone then it is time for all the parents out there to take their daughters and sons to learn self-defence skills or martial arts. Self-defence is a plea which can be raised by anyone charged before the criminal courts for homicide or bodily harm, and is regulated by the Criminal Code, Chapter 9 of the Laws of Malta. Most importantly, parents have the huge responsibility to raise boys and girls who respect the opposite gender and to accept life experiences as they come while being skilled with human skills that able them to rise above anything that happens to them and move forward. Everyone is at risk to predators, irrespective of gender.

The bible of laws that Communism is passing in the City Assemblage under the veil of “for your protection” is just a waste of oxygen. They are inefficient and ineffective.

It is useless for the Women’s lobby to come up stating that “Ghirxi femicide a wake-up call for nationwide reforms” and that “dangers of intimate partner violence against women in Malta still being underestimated by authorities.” This anti-men lobby says a lot of words engraved by the same pathetic rhetoric but it gives no concrete and realistic proposals.

We do not need more laws which are proving to be ineffective and inefficient. We need to keep a tight grip on crime, irrespective on who is committing the crime. We need to see that criminals are reformed before they are released and we need to see that if a criminal has a mental health issue, then it is useless having him jailed without a group of professionals assisting him in the healing process.

And finally, we need to tackle multiculturalism. We need to tackle who is allowed entry in our country and who is not. Edward Johnston was a British with clear mental health issues who had been incarcerated in the UK and released. Clearly and unfortunately, the UK system is also perforated.

Johnston came here, built a relationship, and then coming here back again with Ghirxi raising the alarm about it with the police. Clearly, Ghirxi did not feel safe with his return to Malta. It is time to deport left, right and centre, if the politicians truly care about the “health and safety” of the nation, and the female gender they claim is much at their heart with the empowerment bullshit speeches and the importance of women in the bloody economy and society bullshit speeches.

But the politicians won’t do anything. They are only interested in profits and talk in terms of profits. Hence why they defend their artificially imposed multiculturalism for example. The data speaks for itself – crime rates increased with multiculturalism but the politicians are only interested in money.

In each murder case, there is an unhealed trauma.

Hence, it is up for us humans to change humanity’s path. Because the energy must be focused on where the power goes – and that is you, because you are powerful and they fear the day you discover it. Whereas the past generations shoved traumas under the carpet, without ever looking back, we now need to recognise that the world is riddled with victims and there is trauma everywhere. The more we deny it, belittle it, diminish it, bury it, the more we fail to co-create together a more humane world. Instead of normalising the repression of traumas, we must co-create a world that invites every trauma survivor to share their story fully, without shame and without collective shaming. This is honest, naked vulnerability where the real healing lies for both genders. In this manifestation, others will come forth for self-revealing too, generating a collective healing.

Most importantly, this will generate changes – relationally, societally, culturally, and legally – that minimize future traumas which might manifest in murders and other crimes.

Thus, what the women’s lobby is asking for and what the politicians are doing go against the healing of human nature itself.

This site sends sincere condolences from the heart to Nicolette Ghirxi’s family and anyone who was close to her.

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