The Labour government continues to fail to protect animals – Breeding

It is time for the government to come up with something sensical when it comes to breeders.

On her Facebook page, animal activist Maxine Borg shared with her followers a heartbreaking news, where she spoke about Sadie, a golden retriever female pup which she saved from being euthanised from her owners because of health issues. Unfortunately, little Sadie passed away.

Maxine wrote: “I can’t believe I’m writing this. I am feeling a lot of anger, frustration, pain, sadness, and the list goes on. Sadie got worse. We had to take her urgently to a heart specialist who also specialises in ultrasound, and we received the worst news. We were not expecting this. The news hit us hard, and we are heartbroken.”

She added, “Sadie was diagnosed with four heart defects, liver problems, a big infection full of worms, and she couldn’t breathe properly, and she was in a lot of pain. We had to make a decision, and Sadie was put to sleep. I am sorry Sadie that humanity failed you. What I can assure you for sure is that we treated Sadie as a queen, she was loved, she touched many hearts, she had a wonderful character, and she conquered our hearts immediately. We had high hopes for our dear Sadie, we thought she would have a bright future. She had a rough start right away thanks to her breeder, if you can call it that. I hope karma catches up with you and it won’t be too long.”

She then called out to the breeder, saying “What you are doing, dear breeder, is wrong and selfish, but money comes first, I suppose! This is a case of inbreeding my friends, meaning that if you wish to buy from any breeder, you need to be very careful. Sadie, I swear it’s not going to stop here. “

Maxine then thanked all those who helped Sadie, expressing her gratitude.

Name and shame the breeder. Vets who are facing such issues should report to the authorities.

Name and shame the breeder.

And the politicians, who I HOPE have some love in their hearts towards animals, should be doing something to regulate breeders, not in ways and means that give a leeway for loopholes or to manoeuver matters going to some form of totalitarian control, ‘in the name of animals’ but in a way that is fair for all sides on the spectrum – the legal breeder, the animal, the buyer – while protecting the most vulnerable here – which are the animals.

Truly I hope that it is not a matter of breeders who are friends of the politicians, because this site is informed that politicians know what is going on but they choose not to act because of their “friendship” with the breeders.

Backyard breeding and illegal breeding are to be tackled immediately too. Sanctuaries are full and not coping. In the midst of all this, we find creatures who are alive like us. But they depend on us.

Here is a comment that shows that this breeder has sold dogs in sick conditions to other people, is not treating the puppies she is breeding with love and care and that she is also mixing two breeds and deceiving the public, selling them as ‘pedigree’.

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