The important speech of David Rockefeller at the 1994 U.N. Annual Ambassadors’ Dinner International Conference held in Cairo

Population control is a tool for the rich.

On 14th September 1994, an international conference was held in Cairo about population and development. These conferences are part of the annual ambassadors’ dinners, held to honour the United Nations diplomas and secretariat officials. They are part of the U.N. Business Council.

During this international conference, there was the trillionaire David Rockefeller of the Rockefeller Ruling Family – the family which owns the pharmaceutical industry. John D. Rockefeller was the one who founded the Standard Oil Company, which dominated the oil industry [but then it is us the commoners who are harming the environment] and was the first great U.S. business trust. Also, it is important to understand in this context that John Rockefeller Jr was the one who bought 17 acres along the East River in Manhattan and donated it to the United Nations. Undoubtedly, the United Nations quickly accepted this multimillion-dollar gift. Any agenda that you hear coming from the U.N., is coming from the Rockefeller.

Here is what he had to say about population control:

“Ironically, however, the innovations that are making possible dramatic improvements in human wellbeing, are also creating new problems which raise the specter of an alarming and possibly catastrophic disaster to the biosphere we live in. And herein lies the dilemma that we all face. Let me illustrate. Improved public health has caused the world’s infant mortality rate to decline by 60% over the last forty years. In the same period, the world’s average life expectancy has increased from 46 years in 1950s to 63 years today. This is a development which as individuals we can only applaud. However, the result of these positive measures is a world population that has risen during the same short period of time geometrically to almost six billion people and could easily exceed eight billion by the year 2020. The negative impact of population growth on all of our planetary ecosystems is becoming appallingly evident, in particular the rapid and growing exploitation of the world’s supply of energy and water is a matter of deep concern and the toxic by-products of widespread industrialization have increased as atmospheric pollution to dangerous levels. Unless nations will agree to tackle together these cross-border challenges posed by population growth over consumption of resources and environmental degradation, the prospects for a decent life on our planet will be threatened. The recent U.N. meeting in Cairo is appropriately focused on one of these key issues – population growth. But the controversies which have erupted at the conference illustrate the problem of coming to grips with issues that are deeply divisive and which have a profound moral dimension. The United Nations can and should play an essential role in helping the world finding a satisfactory way of stabilizing world population and stimulating economic development in a manner that is sensitive to religious and moral considerations. Economic growth is of course an inevitable corollary of a growing population and is essential to improve standards of living. But without careful coordination, unrestrained economic growth poses further threats to our environment. This was a major subject of discussion at the conference in Rio de Janeiro on the environment two years ago. The focus then was on sustainable growth and global development. It was pointed out at the conference that growth is most efficiently managed by the private sector but regulation of the process by national governments and international bodies is also needed and once again, the United Nations should certainly be among the catalysts and coordinators of this process.”

Don’t be fooled by the double speak. Read in between the lines.

What he was doing here is giving the orders that had to be executed. The U.N. had to give the orders to national governments and international bodies, who in turn turn into enemies of the people while they tighten their grip on the people while the U.N. coordinates.

This is what is done in these conferences – our future is discussed according to their terms and conditions.

What he is actually stating here is that controlling the world population growth is the Elite’s top agenda. He thinks him and his rich IIIuminati bIood cuIt buddies have the right to mass murder most of the population to have the planet to themselves.

It was during this same annual ambassadors’ dinner of 1994 which saw an annual medal being rewarded to David Rockefeller by the U.N. Business Council.

The question I have is who attended that conference, and what kind of influence did they have globally? What steps followed this conference, and which international organizations carried out this Luciferian speaker’s directives?

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