The Identity Thefts are a case of a national emergency. The PN has a lot to answer for

Malta has become too much of a mess.

A man and at least a dozen others allege to have uncovered information in their medical files about impending appointments for unnecessary tests and surgeries, information about hospital admissions they never experienced, and prescription drugs they were never given for illnesses they never had – all from doctors they never saw.

It was revealed that a man’s medical records from a public health clinic, where he had been two months prior, indicated he had passed away in March. The man is in his thirties. “The man noticed another error on his medical record, however. It said that two days before he ‘died’, he was admitted to the hospital outpatients department, when in fact, he was not.”

Even more mysteriously, his name and identity card number were correct on the records – only the data seemed to belong to someone else’s medical history.

According to those who spoke with Times of Malta, hospitals and clinics have been getting in touch with people in recent months to confirm that they have an appointment for an examination, surgery, or therapy planned for the coming weeks. Their ID card number and correct name were stated in the appointments, but their medical information was not.

The names of the physicians who had supposedly provided the reference were also included in the appointments; nevertheless, these patients had no such ailments and had never seen those physicians.

A mother reported that her adolescent child was scheduled for a medical examination. This was for an extremely serious ailment related to a major organ, according to a quick Google search. When she asked customer service about it, the agent was shocked to learn that the mother had not been informed of the appointment when the system indicated three doctor referrals for it.

One business owner who employs over a hundred people became furious when he happened to find out that he was also impacted which he got to find out by checking MyHealth account where it was mentioned that he had visited a clinic in September of last year for blood work which was impossible as he was living overseas at the time. This business owner is now worried about his staff because he fears that the bank might take action against him.

The Data Protection Commissioner is currently looking into a few of the oddities that remain mysterious.

This is not only a serious matter but extremely dangerous. Who has caused this chaos?

If all these allegations are true, it certainly means that Malta is not importing healthy individuals, but surely individuals who “are paying for your pension” for the sake of the economy while they overburden and strain hospital which you pay out of your taxes. It is you who are paying for them, not the other way round.

This is not only more stress on the infrastructure and on taxes, but a case of national emergency. And yet the PN has a lot to answer for because it was under their 25 years of liberal agendas preparedness governance that mass immigration started to plague our country.

What we are going through now is a consequence of the policies of the PN in government. We are speaking of 25 years.

What we are going through now is a consequence of the treaties that the PN in government has accepted and signed. We are speaking of 25 years.

What we are going through now is a consequence of the fact that the PN prostituted this island to become a whore of the EU.

But there is another reason which I suspect – and this will be tackled in another piece.

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