The hypocrisy of the Communist Equality Agenda of MP Rebecca Buttigieg

This site published and warned about the social media influencer Andrew Tate, who is dishonorable and with a horrifying attitude, back in April. Quoting from this site’s piece:

“Andrew Tate is an American-British influencer, businessman, and former professional kickboxer, who likes to show up in his videos with a bare chest and a lit cigar in his hand, while swearing with each sentence uttered. He encourages misogynistic views amongst men, but unfortunately he is followed by many and is influencing many, especially young male adolescents, to become part of the manosphere. If you want to know the harm he is doing, ask local educators to tell you how he is affecting local boys who follow him.”

In this same piece, this site had also referred to the fact that Tate had called Christians ‘cowards’ and the reply that he was given by Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel.

Here comes MP Rebecca Buttigieg, the Equality junior minister to speak out “about the impact of social media influencers like Andrew Tate for ‘normalising highly concerning attitudes towards women'” in lieu of the murder of Nicolette Ghirxi who was found stabbed in her apartment by her former partner Edward Johnston.

According to Times of Malta’s article, “in his last YouTube video, Johnston had spoken out in support of Tate.”

“Buttigieg, who helped usher in changes to Malta’s criminal code that mandated higher penalties for people found guilty of femicide, spoke out against toxic messaging on social media.”

Where does the hypocrisy lie? The hypocrisy lies in lieu of the fact that by equality, the government means that each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities. But Rebecca Buttigieg is not using the same measuring spoon in her kitchen of politics.

Firstly, since this junior minister delivers sermons of equality from time to time, at intervals depending on the agenda, how come Buttigieg failed to come out condemning Tate and warning parents about him, when this site published information about him and how he is influencing children, especially young, teenage boys? These young boys might be reflecting what they are being downloaded from Tate in the way they treat their mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, and their female friends. Isn’t this grievous with repercussions while these boys grow into men? Aren’t teenage boys also to be defended and protected, as part of a cohort deserving of equality? Equal rights, no?

Secondly, since this junior minister delivers sermons of equality from time to time, at intervals depending on the agenda, how come Buttigieg failed to come out condemning Tate when he called Christians ‘cowards’? Why didn’t she come out defending Christians? Aren’t Christians also to be defended and protected, as part of a cohort deserving of equality? Equal rights, no?

Thirdly, why is it that this junior minister came out delivering another sermon of equality simply as a reaction to the murder of Nicolette Ghirxi? Considering that this junior minister delivers sermons of equality from time to time, at intervals depending on the agenda, why doesn’t she come out defending men and speaking up for men? Aren’t men to be defended and protected, as part of a cohort deserving of equality? Equal rights, no?

Fourthly, why is it that this junior minister came out delivering another sermon of equality simply as a reaction to the murder of Nicolette Ghirxi while not even mentioning the fact that her former partner Johnston, suffered from a trauma which stem from the fact of the termination of his unborn child in the past? Isn’t an unborn baby part of the cohort deserving of equality? Aren’t men who need professional support and assistance to be defended and protected, as part of the cohort deserving of equality? Equal rights, no?

But this junior minister of equality, who helped usher in changes to Malta’s criminal code that mandated higher penalties for people found guilty of femicide, laws which are still not preventing femicides, and who makes her all for Women’s Rights, must then be in favour of another agenda which the Labour Government tried to usher in, which is that of abortion.

If Buttigieg is truly in favour of women, she must first see, together with the government she is part of, of how to get her house in order first, that is, Malta. Considering that Buttigieg holds an MSc in Global Crime, Justice and Security, we expect something better than just her stupid statements from time to time, no? The safety of women in her nation and the matters falling under her purview should not be the only matters that truly worry her. As if Andrew Tate influenced Johnston for what transpired! Johnston had tried years ago to kill someone or be killed. His crime back then was the fake bomb threat. In Malta he killed someone and wanted to be killed. He wanted to quit, so to speak. Why don’t we say that it was the government’s inability to protect the public? Why was Johnston allowed in Malta, when he was someone who was all over the English media portals and had committed a crime which shows that he was not at all mentally there. But the Labour Government has no shame while it sleeps with people who have openly expressed hatred against women, let alone protect women and the whole nation. Because Johnston was a threat to all citizens. When he did the bomb scare, he was in a restaurant, and this crime was not directed against women in particular.

The Johnston video in TOM’s article reveals some extremely unsettling information. I understand that it’s rather simple to access the videos. I believe that if a resident of Malta discloses such material to the public, he ought to be subjected to inquiries and a psychological evaluation. Before last Sunday, what had the local police been doing with Johnston? In addition, they had the reports of Ms. Ghirxi, which they seemed to minimize, in addition to these unsettling films. Talking nonsensically is pointless if law enforcement cannot carry out their assigned duties.

Clearly, Buttigieg has become another feminist, who did not have anything to say and she used Tate as a ploy for whatever. At the end of the day, let us remember that we are heading globally to the introduction of social media criminal laws so that anyone who expresses an opinion that goes against the political grains and agendas, is seen as a dissident, and is taken to court.

Let us blame Andrew Tate for what has happened to Ghirxi instead of pointing at other matters. Tate is deplorable and repulsive but it is a laughing matter to hear Buttigieg who is clearly on the Communist-Marxist path talking about women’s issues when she cannot define what a woman is considering that she is all out in favour of the LGBTIQA+ agenda, the use of gender neutral pronouns and considering that she is the minister who on 25th June brought fort in Parliament the amendments which she called as “taking another step so that everyone is valued the same in the eyes of the law” except some cohorts mentioned above. I am referring here to the Act on Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Gender Characteristics so that Buttigieg and the government she forms part of ensure that all civil acts no longer discriminate against individuals who neither identify with one gender nor with another. This is the ‘whatever everyone else is’ group outside being a man and a woman, as God created us, as what is natural. This is what they call equality.

Rebecca Buttigieg does not know how to define what a woman is let alone differentiating between equality and equity. But she is in the right place, perhaps, considering that the foundation of equality is the idea that everyone should have an equal chance at leading a happy life – in the Communist Discourse, it is that which gives some more privileges than others, which celebrates some more than others, at the expense of the happiness of others who cannot say anything against those same handpicked privileged groups or else they are called homophobic, transphobic, and racists.

Men, women, Christians, families, the Maltese people, the economically underprivileged and the middle class are now being impacted by injustice. Anyone who expresses non-compliance to the evil agendas have become the primarily targeted marginalized groups for the sake of ‘love is love’ and ‘tolerance’ and ‘acceptance’. How hypocritical.

Maybe we should move to equity which recognizes that individuals have different starting points in life and from equity, we move to liberation.

But Rebecca Buttigieg, the Parliamentary Secretary for Equality and Reforms within the Ministry for European Funds, Equality, Reforms and Social Dialogue, has no interest in moving humanity to liberation. Through her equality and reforms handbook, she is doing the bidding of the liberal agenda of the Woke and their Wokeism which is bringing in the necessary reforms needed so that the majority of society has its mouth shut at the expense of the selected few.

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