The hisses from the PN swamp in a dead spiritless Conservative Movement in Dr Adrian Delia’s statements regarding the death of Stephen Mangion

An independent inquiry will investigate the circumstances of the death of Stephen Mangion, the 55-year-old man and police officer, who died at around 11pm on Tuesday at Mater Dei Hospital’s emergency waiting room where he was left waiting despite allegedly complaining of chest pain. Mangion was having a heart attack. The signs are clear.

“On Thursday morning health minister Jo Etienne Abela said an independent inquiry would also be launched and its findings published” so to treat “shortcomings with justice.” Because Abela has now to see how to clean the long trail of mess that his predecessor in government, Fearne, has left behind. And Abela must also explain why he endorsed the pandemic and vaccines and has not yet come out telling the public that the vaccines are killing people. Spineless bunch of cowards and jokers – that’s what you all are.

And then we get the other side of the clown show. The PN came out with the usual discourse that makes you want to vomit hard their disconnection, their dishonesty, their hypocrisy. In the usual paradigm of ‘it’s the other party’s fault’ they come out making you think that they will do something to fix something which long time ago, they started themselves.

I get most of my exercise these days from shaking my head in disbelief.

Through a lot of hissing, we get lawyer Adrian Delia who ended up opposition health spokesperson saying that Mangion’s death was “heartbreaking” and “enraging”. Surely it is. But what is also heartbreaking and enraging is how the masses were driven to the slaughterhouse to be injected with experimental and deadly vaccines which were sold to them as ‘safe and effective.’ And yet we had no hissing statements by Delia from the swamp of serpents at the time that these vaccines were being rolled out.

“Do we have to have deaths to take action in this country?” Delia asked. Vileness and hypocrisy at their best! We are experiencing deaths everyday, with excess death rates shooting through the roof thanks to the experimental and deadly vaccines and the PN is silent. Zipped mouth. Zero. Nada. No statements from them – political corpses long dead and decomposed. No hissing from Delia. Do us a favour, sod off and get out of the way!

A triple boosted neighbour of mine, just next door, was fine one day. The day after she was taken to hospital with an ambulance. She never came out alive. She died in a week. Three other people in my town in a matter of a few weeks went to sleep and didn’t wake up. Two other stories I know of in which two people who also went to sleep and didn’t wake up but whose corpses were taken out from their home after a week, after the putrid, horrible smell of a rotting corpse started haunting the homes and streets. One of my colleagues also died suddenly last week. I hear ambulances’ siren every single day, every hour! Everybody is losing friends and loved ones, fathers, mothers, children! Pets ending up without a home. A whole society is suffering because when the micro is hit, the macro catches the ripple effect.

And we the truthers who knew, have to watch, just watch – this global massacre taking place in front of us. We will be scarred for whatever remaining years we have on earth.

And Delia comes out with such ridiculous statements, but of utter hypocrisy? But yes, let’s point to flawed systems which are part and parcel of two flawed, corrupt political parties, who are two prostitutes that sleep together in the same bed, betraying the Maltese nation from all angles!

“Delia said the minister had announced an independent inquiry into Mangion’s death, but what guarantee did the minister give the public that the situation would not remain the same or get worse until then?” The situation is going to get worse, and worse! One hospital built and finished during the PN in government, which was already a flop. Lack of nurses which was also a result of bad policies by the PN in government. Importation of foreign nurses who hardly know how to speak English, [let alone Maltese] and who hardly know how to do their job! Two hospitals which should have been completed by Muscat and his government. Instead, they were sold out! Endorsing a fake pandemic by both parties, gaining power by feeding the masses fear, and selling experimental and deadly vaccines as the way to regain freedom!

“’The family is broken. They are hurt. They lost their loved one… The public deserves to know what happened and who is responsible… This has long been coming,’ he said as he went on to read several newspaper headlines that highlighted the strain on the hospital emergency system.”

Let us start by being told the vaccination status of the deceased, shall we? Because heart attacks in the vaccinated are a way for the body to show them that they have been poisoned! Because now we are at a stage where it’s not okay for us to ask the vaccination status following a heart attack, but before they had no problem asking if we had the shot, before we are invited to sit next to them.

There is no need for Delia to ask who is responsible. You can start by pointing at your party for never raising concerns about these vaccines. You can then go on by pointing at the capitalistic drug manufacturers who just profit from making vaccines. It is just business for them. And then you can point at the Globalists, who come up with clever and scheming plans, with full pre-knowledge of how the masses will exactly react, so that their plan will be easily and smoothly consolidated, with the consent of the same sleepy masses.

And do you know why dear readers? Because the PN, who also claims to be a Conservative Movement, is no better than the Left, the Liberals. And do you know why? Because Conservatism has its roots in a more traditional version of liberalism. They eventually make a compromise and gradually concede ground to the extreme side. It’s a conservitard protest movement, with a conception of traditional sacred values that dates only to an equally corrupt era—the 1950s—than the modern world. Conservatism is basically liberalism with a twenty-year delay.

Not only. The PN comes across to the nation as being all for Christianity – I think, at least. But as we are witnessing, they have given ground and conceded to many agendas of the government. Once they are in power, they will also give ground and concede to the Globalists’ agendas, just like it has done in Eddie Fenech Adami’s era and GonziPN. The PN lacks new ideas. The PN has no energy. They have killed the conservative movement locally. Its members are all spiritless walking sticks, held by a hanger in a closet of staleness and foul smell and foul play.

The end goal of the Left is destruction. The PN is also guilty of making the roadmap of destruction an easy goal for the Left to achieve.

I get so upset on seeing how these bloody, compulsive liars-politicians, in cahoots with the media, led the propaganda lockstep pro-pandemic and pro-vaccines, turning against those who were raising the alarm, in a hatred anti-vaxxers campaign. And I raise the roof out of love for the people! “Anyone who is not angry when there is a good cause for being angry is immoral. Why? For anger looks at the benefit of justice. And if you can live amongst injustice without anger, you are immoral and unjust.” [St. Thomas Aquinas]

Sod off PN! Malta doesn’t need any of your presence anymore and any of the bullshit you utter. You come out speaking as if you are the holier than thou party. You are as bad as the PL if not worse! Malta needs truthworkers, not liars and usurpers like you all are, because truth is more grounded and inclusive, having both shadow and light, and it is Truth, and only the Truth, that gives us a better chance of bringing about a difference, and a change.

We need to clear the swamp, but unfortunately the Maltese masses are brain dead or masochists, bonded with their politicians through trauma abuse which the same politicians perpetrate on them. And politicians mirror the people.

Delia, the fact that you got back the hospitals to the Maltese people won’t make me a sympathiser of yours. Nor will I put you on a throne of haloes and candles. Why? Because you are still trapped in the duo divisive paradigm and you have not elevated yourself to a higher state, stemming from the soul and spirit. This is a spirit thing. You are glued to the partisan politics, making you as bad as the rest of the ilk.

PN – you are not only a blind follower of the government, but you are also a seeing denier.

PN – you may fool the Maltese masses but you can never fool God.

The PN has long completed its task of being a traitor of this country. It is beyond repair now, so it is time that they retire from this absurdity and we would be loving it.

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