The Globalists’ lie ‘diversity is our strength’: The Solingen killings by an Islamist Syrian refugee

A man wielding a knife killed at least three people in the city of Solingen, in Western Germany. At least eight other people suffered injuries with some being life threatening. Officials stated that those killed were two men aged 56 and 67, and a 56-year-old woman. Four of those wounded are still in a serious condition. The police said that all of the victims were stabbed in the neck.

These stabbings occurred at a crowded festival in the city centre to celebrate its 650-year history.

While the hunt was underway, the German special police task force (SEK) stormed an asylum seekers’ center after the terrorist attack in Solingen. A Syrian national was detained during the raid. The area was cordoned off by up to a hundred police officers.

The twenty-six year-old Syrian refugee and Islamist Issa al H., surrendered to the police patrol while still covered in blood. The German authorities have identified him as being a suspected member of the Islamic State group (IS).

On Saturday, IS claimed that it was behind the attack, adding that they committed the cowardly terror act on the “Christian gathering” in Solingen as revenge for “the Muslims in Palestine.”

The 26-year-old Solingen murderer whom the prosecutors named Issa Al, omitting his surname because of Germany’s privacy laws [tajba wkoll!!] had given himself up and admitted to the stabbings.

Issa al H. was born in the Syrian city of Deir al-Sor. He came to Germany as a “refugee” at the end of December 2022 and applied for asylum.

This Islamist assassin was scheduled for deportation as of 2:40 p.m. on August 25, 2024. Actually, last year, he was scheduled to be deported to Bulgaria. His prior asylum application had been turned down.

According to an unconfirmed police report obtained by WELT, the attacker shouted “Allahu Akbar” and is believed to be a “mosque visitor” in the city. Allahu is not god and murders do not happen in the name of any god.

But this is the ‘diversity is our strength’ lie embraced by the bloody politicians who have turned as enemies of their own people. This is the result – having the natives killed by these illegal immigrants who were allowed entry. The Federal German government has a lot to answer for.

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