The Dangerous Virus: Times of Malta, Human Rights Lawyers, the Appeal Court and the Ethiopian Community story – spreading on the Maltese nation

There is no way that the media will safeguard the interests of the Maltese nation. It is in favour of the invaders. Because the U.N. Migration Pact dictates so and the media is the virus which the U.N. releases onto all nations.

Times of Malta seems to be the one which was given the upper hand to promote the invasion. Each portal is given specific tasks and agendas, it seems. In yet another recent article, it taps on the masses’ emotions to make them feel pity for a community of Ethiopians who have been living and working legally in Malta for up to 19 years, after coming here by boats and illegally, of course.

TOM’s reporting is one of nausea and vomiting:

TOM shows the community in a good light, of course, by telling you that they have always paid taxes and have never caused trouble. As if it matters! Europeans don’t want this invasion and they want their deportation!

“I was 16 when I came to Malta by boat in 2005. I was an unaccompanied minor. I don’t know Ethiopia. Malta is my home. We have worked, paid our taxes and not caused trouble. Now we are being treated like criminals. Like animals,” said a member of the Ethiopian community, who is fearing a knock at his door by the police.

The ‘came by boat in 2005’ means that this Ethiopian community came here during the PN Governo which TOM doesn’t point at. Yeah. I was 29 when they came by boat. I was dreaming of living in peace and in serenity on this once peaceful and serene power hub of an island. I dreamt of growing a business too you know – owning a shop or a holistic therapy centre. I also dreamt of enjoying quiet beach time . I also could enjoy a run and a walk even at 6pm during the short autumn and winter days. In safety. Until the boats came. And the invaders filled our streets and all our towns.

TOM describes the Ethiopian community as “in shock” and “living in fear” as “dozens of people, who have been living and working legally in Malta for up to 19 years, are being arrested at their place of work, sent to detention and told they will be sent back to Ethiopia.” We praise the Lord and sing Halleluljah. How about deporting them all?

TOM also described the Maltese community as “in depression” and “living with anxiety”. No, sorry – this sentence was missing in the article. I must have had a lapsus.

Forget about the honest Maltese people who have been living and working legally here and paying their taxes since the day they were put on the enslavement payroll and taxation database so that in the near future, their hard work and taxes will be used to pay for the invaders’ commodities and businesses.

“Until now, they had temporary protection status and had a yellow book that allowed them to work legally. Some even had their own businesses.” Forget that so many honest Maltese people had a business which was destroyed due to the swamp, or who wanted to start a business but the means which enables them so, doesn’t facilitate their dream, unlike that of the invading swamp. U mela ejja nagħtuhom kollox! Protezzjoni, ktieb isfar, xogħol u business! U jekk trid, daħħalhom ġo darek ukoll. U ara jfettillek tiftaħ ħalqek u tagħmel l-inqas oġġezzjoni, għax jgħajruk razzist! U titkaxkar il-Qorti wkoll! U tiġi kkundannat mal-ewwel seduta!

Times of Malta wants to make you grab the tissues so that you stand on your two feet in front of Castille and beg the traitorous parties to keep the invaders.

“Another man who came to Malta in 2005, and now has a family in Malta, explained that about 100 Ethiopians were being told they had to leave.” 100 only?

“We are all confused. Some have been here for 15, 16, 17 and even 19 years. We have children. Malta is our home. We are integrated. Our children go to school here. We are shocked. We are very peaceful people,” he said. Even the Maltese people have children in Malta, children who have become a minority in some state schools where Arabs and other invaders’ children have taken over. Check it out for yourselves in St. Clare’s College Pembroke Secondary and in the State schools in Qawra and St. Paul’s Bay, among the rest of them all!

“Lawyer Gianluca Cappitta, as well as other lawyers who work with migrants, said that, whenever people of a particular nationality are rounded up, it typically meant that a delegation from that country is on the way to Malta.”

“The delegation would typically include government officials who would facilitate deportation by providing travel documents after verifying the origin of the people in detention.”

Let us have all the delegations from all the countries of the invaders coming here everyday then! So, we deport them to the full.

Forget about having lawyers that speak up for the rights of the Maltese people. It’s always these bunch of legal amateurish members of the bar in cahoots with the Globalists’ Agenda, through the U.N., who come out speaking gibberish. NGOs for migrants here. Lawyers for migrants there. U l-Maltin isoffu l-qerda fin-nofs ta’ dan kollu.

“What I disagree with is that, weeks before the delegation arrives, these people are rounded up and put in detention. And, sometimes, the delegation comes later than planned or does not come at all. This, I believe, is in breach of their fundamental human rights” – Cappi[e]tta said. Forget about the fundamental humanity rights. Forget about the fundamental rights of the Maltese people. It’s all about the rights of these invaders who make our country theirs once they are here, sucking from our taxes, while they are given visas, opportunities that come at a cheap cost to open businesses, work, accommodation and free hospital assistance in which they are given priority before the Maltese people themselves! Where are the rights of the Maltese people?

“We are talking about law-abiding people who were always compliant. They should not be treated like this,” he said. They should be deported! What about how the Maltese people are being treated?

But who cares? The invaders who do not qualify for international protection [tajba wkoll!] have also their return free home facilitated by being offered a voluntary return package! What else? With this rate, all of us Maltese people must file ourselves as migrants with the government.

So what is going to happen now? Will we have the same Cappitta of Mifsud & Mifsud Advocates filing a constitutional case like he did with the Malians case, challenging the validity of the arrest and detention and any eventual deportation? Do you know how will this go, dear readers, if Cappitta does so? The Courts of Malta might upheld all challenges but the Pro Migrant Invasion Appeal Court [not of Malta but beyond] will reverse the decision on the deportation.

And we will remain sucking the invasion.

The Appeal Court, these invaders’ rights lawyers, and the media are the virus released by the United Nations onto the Maltese nation to spread the disease.

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