The Church is not a Business but a Body. When the Business becomes a body, it’s prostitution

The Church is not a Business. It is a Body. But when the Business becomes a body, it’s prostitution.

By “church” here I mean both the organization and the people who run it. Because the building is what it is – a building. But it becomes a house of prayer when a community of Christians gathers to pray, hear God’s word, and praise the Lord.

The Church is described in the Bible as a body, not a business and the business of the Church must be solely that to win souls for Christ.

But not in the pagan island of Malta which has become so artificial. Let us do an auction and bid to carry a mere statue along Mġarr streets because it makes us feel so happy. At the end of the day, it’s in aid of the parish church, and it’s an old tradition. At the end of the day, people have a right to do what they want with the money – they say. It all boils down to individual rights these days, instead of doing what is right in the name of the Lord while the evil forces are committed to an auction on a daily basis while they bid for your soul. If only we love Christ and live the Christian way the way we take care of these buildings, statues and celebrate these pagan feasts. But we need statues because we need something concrete to relate to – said Father Charles Tabone OP long ago on Kalamita of Alfred Zammit on One T.V.

But this is the Catholic Church for you – which does not consider statues or sculptures of Jesus, Mary or the saints to be idols, but rather artworks to remind the worshiper of the story of Christ. It is one thing having an artwork and a statue [maybe, as I have a big question mark about them] but it is another thing the way feasts are celebrated, the way priorities shifted, and turning the church into a business!! Stop making the Church a place of business!

“Parish administrator Fr Noel Vassallo, acting as auctioneer, held a microphone to the two competitors’ mouths as the sum they bid became higher and higher.” Do we have salesmen or shepherds in the Church? Is this what is part of the contract of today’s priests, which look more like a CEO of a business than the shepherd of a flock?

“The crowd gasped when Vella bid €40,000, but Muscat quickly countered with €40,200.”

€40,200 to carry a statue? So many families can hardly make ends meet? But it’s about tradition, you fools! All our feasts and their rituals are based on tradition, and we must see to their continuation.

€40,200 to help raise funds for the parish? If it’s not a cafeteria, it’s an auction.

But we justify wrong with wrong: “There are villages that spend a lot of money on other things, like fireworks. Here, our money goes to helping the church.” Both are wrong. And these fireworks are just another way to destroy the peace in the noisy Lilith island. But Christ’s people are not following His lead but rather following the trends. This auction was just another trend.

This is not the true church of Christ.

“Fr Vassallo said most of the money collected in the auction will go towards works in the church’s sacristy.” Surely, it is far better than giving them to the one in the Palace wearing the amaranth while posing in front of white-washed tombs, considering that he has made it a point to turn the church into another financial institution of ashes, crumbs and smoke.

And this is what the buildings representing the Church are being turned to by the congregation and the CEOs who run it – a business, a prostitution.

What is the problem with a Business Church? There is no love or fulfillment in a business. It focuses on useless metrics, like finances, and attendance, neglecting spiritual growth.

You don’t agree with me? Fine. I do not worry about who will be offended if I speak the Truth. I worry about who will be misled, deceived and destroyed if I don’t.

Because now we will be saved by tradition and rituals, and this religion, it seems. These are the Christians whose faith is based on their own ideas and feelings and what they think is right, and not on God’s word.

This is not Christendom. But many prefer to be silent because they worry others will be offended. Then true Christendom is not important for them but rather what people will think about them. Stand up for what is right and true. You will receive hate and love but everyone will know what you are fighting for.

In true Christendom, every member of the body of the church is vital but when one member goes astray, everyone suffers. When the church is operating correctly each member is active, everyone is edified, the world is evangelized, and our God is glorified.

When the timer goes off, and you stand before God, all you’ll have to show for your life is what you did for Him. In the end, all that matters is if we lived for the glory of God.

All these buildings will be closed in the very near future. The people will look for an open church, and they will find none. Fear not – it is the buildings which are being closed. The body of the Church are you. Christ is the head. You are to remain open.

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