The Battle between the two Disney Factions (2)

“Disney acquired the Bass Brother’s Arvida, and brought the Bass Brothers into Disney’s management. The Basses sold their stake in Texaco back to the oil co. and then used this money to bolster Disney. Sid Bass & Chuck Cobb (chief executive Arvida) worked out a deal with Disney. Arvida (sold to Disney for $200 million) would profit from developing Disney Land in Florida and Disney would profit from the new financial strength that getting Arvida would provide.

Arvida owned oil fields, theme parks, and had helped to create planned communists. For Ron Miller, on the one side was the Illuminati and the other side of things was the mafia. He didn’t trust either, but Steinberg’s takeover could eliminate Disney’s management and both he (and Roy E. Disney) wanted to save Disney from a takeover by Steinberg. At first, Roy E. wrote a letter to Ron Miller and the other board members stating his concerns about the acquisition of Arvida. For Disney management, at least the Bass brothers would let Walt Disney management (and became one of Disney’s major stockholders), they soon joined sides with Roy E. in a management fallout over whether Disney should buy Gibson Greeting Card Company. With enough votes on the board, they sent Ron Miller packing. With Ron Miller, and those management men aligned with Walt’s side of the family gone, then CEO Michael Eisner, Frank Wells, Rich Frank, and Jeffrey Katzenberg and some others made the modern Walt Disney Corporation.

Disney’s Touchstone Studio which was mentioned before in connection to the movie Alive was created in 1984 by Walt Disney’s son-in-law Ronald L. Miller. Ron Miller’s management style was lackluster. The new management has really gone gang busters. Although Walt’s side of the family is out of the management end of Disney, they still receive financial rewards from various Disney enterprises. The Bass brothers acquired more land for Disney in Florida. But under their tutelage, Disney now has a management team that is skilled in land grabbing techniques. The Bass fortune began with Perry Bass, who created a company called Bass Enterprises. In 1969, Perry retired and turned things over to his eldest son, Sid Richardson Bass. Sid has three younger brothers: Ed, Robert and Lee. The Basses owned 27% in Prime Computer, as well as sizable real estate and oil holdings. The Bass brothers founded a local prep school in Ft. Worth, TX. Their HQs in Ft. Worth is full of modern art. The Bass Brothers were very clever in their real deal with Disney. In exchange for their $14 investment in Arvida, they had gotten (over a period of time) $950 million dollars worth of Disney stock.

In 1985, they liquidated Bass Brothers Enterprises and divided the assets between the four brothers.”

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