The Battle between the two Disney Factions (1)

“In 1953, the two brothers and their respective sides of the family split when Walt created RETLAW corporation. The two sides have fought ever since. When Walt Disney created RETLAW (his name Walter spelled backwards), this alienated his brother Roy O. and Roy’s side of the family. Without going into all details, what RETLAW did was cut Roy O.’s side out of the money that was to be made. But Roy’s side didn’t stand by and idly let their share of the pie be lost. They fought back and held their own. Their big break came when Michael Milken and his band of junk bond artists carried out a “greenmail” on the Disney Corp. Only a few insiders know how greenmail works. It is a legal form of blackmail. Milken would work with his friends Saul Steinberg, Sir James Goldsmith, and Carl Icahn. Milken would provide them the financial clout, to make them look financially capable of financially purchasing a corporation that they had selected as a target. According to insiders, Milken got 40% of the upside of any “greenmail” that went right.

The targeted corporation would learn that someone like Saul Steinberg was going to buy them out. In order to prevent the buyout, and to keep their jobs, the officers of the targeted corporation would get frantic, and either do suicidal refinancing, or buy the stock of the potential acquirer for much greater prices than the Milken group paid for them. The “greenmail” artists would then take their loot and go on their way. The stockholders of the targeted company are the real losers of “greenmail,” because the management of the corporation in order to finance their protection spends the stockholder’s money, takes on new debts, and deprives the stockholders of some profit-making potential of their shares. Michael Milken’s group made feints to take over a large number of corporations, including Walt Disney, Phillips Petroleum and Avco. Saul Steinberg made what looked like the beginnings of a sincere hostile takeover of Walt Disney through Reliance. At one point Reliance became Disney’s largest stockholder. Steinberg filed an amended 13D saying that he intended to acquire 25% of the corporation.

The CEO of Walt Disney was Walt’s Disney’s son-in-law Ron Miller. Saul Steinberg is a dear business partner with London’s Jacob de Rothschild. Originally, Ron Miller (Stanford University graduate) and Ray Watson (a Bohemian Grove member from Stanford University) of Walt Disney’s management brought in the Bass brothers to help them deal with Saul Steinberg’s takeover and to buy and develop land (especially in Florida). Ray Watson was Ron Miller’s key right hand man to run things. The Bass Brothers are mafia.”

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