The BA’s second decision against a Church radio station which is just another mouthpiece of the Repubblichini and friends and the tribe of Austin Gatt, is commendable.

Kudos to the Broadcasting Authority for its second decision to fine the Church-owned radio station for not giving a platform to Imperium Europa on the programme hosted by Andrew Azzopardi of Atheism, Woke, Communism, Left Politics and Co in cahoots with the same Catholic church-owned radio station.

“In January, the Church-owned radio station was ordered to pay €6,410 after Azzopardi said he would never allow ‘racist’ Lowell on his show.” Azzopardi breached article 34 (1) and he was fined. So what? Grow up and accept responsibility for your actions.

“On Wednesday, the BA fined the radio station €4,660 for failing to invite candidates of a party founded and led by Norman Lowell during the electoral campaign.”

“Reacting to the BA decision, RTK said it will be appealing the decision as it ‘runs roughshod over editorial freedom by forcing it to air extremist, racist, far-right political views’.”

“The station said Lowell has a long history of racist and xenophobic statements, including published calls for widespread ethnic cleansing on a global scale.”

The communist leftist minions also came out spluttering their one-sided baloney arguments. “Journalists and authors had immediately slammed the BA’s decision, with the Institute of Maltese Journalists (IĠM) saying Azzopardi’s comments that Lowell was racist and xenophobic were ‘based on facts that emerged from court judgments’.”

No. Lowell was warning the Maltese nation about the cold genocide that was gradually being committed on it. What he said in 2005, is what we are witnessing today. He had stated in Safi back in 2005 that illegal immigrants constitute a sanitary, cultural and genetic threat and threatened Malta’s security. He had also declared himself as a libertarian: “I am a libertarian and not a Nazi or a Fascist.” The media still labels him so, as we have seen in its reporting of the the MEP candidates last June. Mr Lowell had said “the authorities were secretly going to change the law so that illegal immigrants would have a renewable visa to stay in Malta.”

This is all correct. We are witnessing all this chaos and this chaos is on purpose. They will now come up with some sort of security regulations creating databases so that you are controlled and monitored.

Where are the country’s security analysts? Why is no one speaking about this and the only party who could challenge this, was not invited on Azzopardi’s RTK programme of current affairs? Isn’t the Cold Genocide, perpetrated for the sake of the communist economy, part of current affairs?

But the communist minions and frontliners, RTK, journalists and authors uphold only their right for freedom of expression. Don’t you dare challenge them. If you do, you are labelled a racist and a xenophobic, even by the courts!!

It is fine for them to say anything they want about others. It is fine for them to push their agendas. The minute they are slammed as having breached the law, they come out in their own defense that they have a right to say anything because it is ‘factual.’ This is truly an unprecedented state of hypocrisy of the highest order!

Don’t they tell us that we are living in a democratic country which usually goes both ways?

Had Andrew Azzopardi been a good journalist, he would have invited Lowell or Terrence Portelli and challenge him. Terrence Portelli was invited on various programmes. Did you ever hear him being threatening or dangerous? But Lowell and Imperium Europa are a threat to the Left, because they challenge and oppose their ideologies, ideologies which are turning Malta into a communist craphole.

RTK might want to launch a second crowd-funding like it already did, so that the Maltese people who are being coldly genocided of which they are in favour, pitch in money “to fight for freedom of expression and against racism” because the BA’s decisions are ‘illogical’ and, in RTK’s editor-in-chief Kevin Papagiorcopulo, it is important for the Constitution to defend two ‘fundamental principles’ – ‘the right of every individual not to be discriminated against on the basis of race or ethnicity and the right of freedom of expression.’ But for Imperium Europa to be discriminated upon, that is fine. This is truly an unprecedented state of hypocrisy of the highest order! Double standards galore!

A reminder that Kevin Papagiorcopulo is one with the gang of those who compare people to cancer.

In a statement, RTK 103 added that the Constitutional role of the authority “needs to be reviewed with urgency before it becomes a circus authority which endangers the fundamental principles it ought to defend.” It has already become a circus authority and it is already endangering the fundamental principles it ought to defend. X’ipokrita’ li ma titwemminx!

The media and RTK, as controlled and biased as they are, prefer to shape and twist public opinion while keeping on painting a negative picture of Lowell and Imperium Europa.

And before someone says something stupid and labels me as the ‘Imperium Europa lady’ – for me it could have been Jane and Peter Doe speaking about lettuces and cockroaches. Anyone who is turning into an enemy of the people will not have this site sympathizing with him.

And this includes this radio-station which should be of everyone and for everyone but which has become just another mouthpiece of the Repubblichini and friends and the tribe of Austin Gatt!

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