Satan on display at the concert of The Weeknd

Abel Makkonen Tesfaye, known professionally as the Weeknd, is a Canadian singer-songwriter, known for his unconventional musical production, and artistic reinventions.

Satan was written on the screen at his concert. Satan is being celebrated because Satan is the god of the world.

His ‘majesty with two horns’ is such a loser. He knows his time is coming to an end.

All this shit show is coming to an end very soon. There is an ongoing harvest of the earth, where only the good fruit will be gathered into God’s barn while the tares will be collected together to be cast into the burnpile.

Justice will be served to all of those who have traded their birthright for a pot of stew.

The King of Glory is coming. Let the knees of those who recognise Him as the true and only God bow in worship before Him, and call out in praise that He is the Master of all.

All glory to His mighty name.

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