Rebecca Buttigieg, the unelected experiment of the liberal communist cult and instigators, is a threat to democracy and freedom of speech

The Communist leeches and ticks came out to spread disease while they utter bullshit brainless baloney against the Broadcasting Authority’s decision to fine the Church broadcasting radio RTK for failing to give a platform to far-right Imperium Europa. The BA ruling is commendable. I agree wholeheartedly with both decisions taken.

According to the unelected failed experiment of the liberal communist cult, Rebecca Buttigieg: “democracy should not be minimised by giving space to ‘populist instigators.'”

“The right to free expression must always be respected. But when this right is used to undermine the fundamental rights of others and spread hate speech, it is everyone’s responsibility to ensure this dangerous narrative does not continue to spread,” she said. Freedom of speech anyone? Freedom of speech only applies to the communists, the left and their minions. Only they have every right to exclude for the sake of ‘inclusion,’ ‘equality’ and ‘human rights.’ Only they have the right to speak. If you dare challenge their agendas, what they say, and what they do, then you are dragged to court for ‘hate speech.’ X’vilta’ u x’ipokrita’ ta’ nies!

“Let us not undermine democracy by giving space to those who represent populist instigation, which, apart from being dangerous, lacks basic facts,” the junior minister said on the BA’s decision.

How hypocritical, when we have the Left and their agendas being foisted on us without our consent. The liberal communist cult lacks the intellect and the balls to challenge Norman Lowell. But if you dare challenge them, and you win, then suddenly you become a ‘populist instigator.’ Because for Rebecca Buttigieg of Equality and Reforms, what you are allowed in her twisted, demented version of democracy, is to sit down and say yes to whatever they say, say yes to the cold genocide that is being imposed on you to eradicate you, say yes to the shutting up of Christians’ mouths, and fly the Rainbow ‘love is love’ flag. On top, you can also sprinkle the hatred of men for the sake of feminism.

Din l-ipokrita’ u doppia faccia ma niflaħhomx! Rest assured that if it was Norman Lowell who lost the case, we would have had media bombardment ad infinitum and ad nauseum how this was a just ruling and that the liberal instigating cult is on the right path. U morru ingħalqu xi mkien u ħudu nagħsa qabel tqum l-ikbar revoluzzjoni li qatt rat id-dinja għax qed tqażżu u ddardru lil kulħadd u l-ilma li tridu tixorbu minnu.

The people showed that they ain’t going to take any of this bullshit. And they came out supporting and defending the BA’s ruling. Terrence Portelli of Imperium Europa, had also something to say.

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