Quo Vadis, Malita Investments?

Malita Investments Ltd, the company started on a computer in a political office by a politician, so to speak, is a company which was formed in 2012. It serves “as the government’s special purpose vehicle to administer public assets of national importance, such as the new parliament building, the social housing projects and rents due from the use of public land by the Malta International Airport and the Valletta Cruise Terminal.” In a nutshell, this company, of which the government owns 80% of the shareholding, while the rest of the shares are traded on the stock exchange, is another merging of Big Government and Big Business where they both exchange smiles and handshakes in exchange of votes, so to keep the populace reliant on a social-welfare state with social housing projects, while the continuous troughing of the lucre is definite and guaranteed.

And yet, it is just another gimmick from the den of corruption, for a change:

[I would like to complain about the new government block of Silvio Parnis, situated in Dun Manwel Zammit Street, Siġġiewi, which supposedly is taken care of by Malita Investments. However, no matter how often you call, they make fun of you, telling you that they will be sorting out the problems but nothing is ever done. Now I am writing here because I am tired of fighting all this for four months and nothing was done.

So the first thing, apart from the disgrace of the state of the apertures which are all broken and not properly set up; the walls are hardly painted; the skirting does not exist; door keys neither; the door of the flat should have been repaired because it does not lock as it should because the lock has to be changed; the lifts were in a dangerous state for months with the possibility that a person could fall in them and remain dead on the spot and of course they don’t function because it is taking ages for the engineer to come and certify them, an engineer who didn’t show up and the biggest one is that there is a big problem to pass an internet service because of the ignorant workers who did works in the block. The wires that are passing in the common area to supply internet for all the apartments, are passing behind metal rods which means that there is no accessibility for them to be able to pass wires to do the service for us and the architect has already come to see and we were supposed to hear from the company Malita Investments to see who will take the tender and arrange this spree that was done so that one day maybe we will be able to live in comfort . Hopefully someone will see this message and take action as soon as possible. I did not write this message to do damage but so that maybe one day we will be able to live in a suitable and comfortable environment.]

Quo Vadis, Malita Investments?

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