Paris Olympics 2024: the Baal

“Signs and symbols rule the world not words nor laws” – Confucius.

Only those who have eyes to see can immediately see these signs and interpret their meaning and symbols.

A silver rider carrying the Olympic flag on her shoulders, paraded on the waters of the Seine on a galloping, mechanical pale white horse. The rider in question, wearing a huge hood, and masked, was Morgane Suquart, co-founder of MMProcess.

Some media portals said she represented Joan of Arc. Other media portals said she represented Goddess Sequana.

Knowing that we are in the end times and we have been given signs and symbols in various previous opening ceremonies of international sporting events, we can conclude that this silver rider represented Death riding the pale white horse in the Book of Revelation, one of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse.

The rider [death] then came down from the horse and walked towards Baal, the beast.

Everything they give you is hidden in plain view. Yet people are hypnotised and brainwashed and allow the media to do the thinking for them.

It is clear in plain sight that we are in the end times. God is warning us to start preparing for what is to come on this world. Many people are already dying with the Covid-19 vaccines and more will die. And yet, many people still deny Christ.

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